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Author Topic: Epson 1500W Colour Gamut ?  (Read 13631 times)
Posts: 29

« on: March 02, 2015, 07:51:04 PM »

Hi all

Anyone know what colour gamut the Epson 1500W can print to.

I know it's a low end printer so suspect it's not up to matching ProPhoto, but does it come anywhere near Adobe1998 or would a printer at that end of the quality range only manage something closer to sRGB.

I have a fully profiled system and the results look to be a very good match to my monitor but that only covers sRGB so I suspect the printer is also only just covering sRGB as the results are so close.

Am I correct or should the printer cover a wider colour gamut.

I have searched Epsons site and googled this but found no information suitable to this printer.

Thanks for any help with this

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2015, 10:36:30 PM »

Hi Paul,
Am I correct or should the printer cover a wider colour gamut.
No, the printer will normally have the smallest gamut in the digital photo process.
See attached screen shot from a gamut viewer showing the simple 2D top view of various profiles compared to that of an Epson R2000 printer using Ilford Smooth Gloss paper.
The brighter gamut diagram is the printer profile.
1 You can see, compared to Adobe RGB, the printer has a smaller gamut
2 sRGB is roughly the same volume probably but does not match in some areas
3 My 600D camera raw is very much larger than the printer.
I have a fully profiled system and the results look to be a very good match to my monitor but that only covers sRGB
I would expect this as the aim of having a calibrated monitor and printer is to get the prints and monitor to match so you should be very pleased that is the case. The fact the gamuts are all different is part of what colour management sorts out for you.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 10:41:25 PM by Terry-M » Logged
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