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Author Topic: Epson 3880: Canvas rear feed images getting cropped off top 2 inches?  (Read 17626 times)
Full Member
Posts: 224

« on: August 15, 2013, 05:39:57 PM »

I successfully set up a panorama in QU and the Epson 3880 menu for 16.25 x 36.75 inches (QU shows 16.266 x 36.766 fwiw).  Image looks correct in QU and it shows the dimensions correct as well.

However, once coming out of the printer, it is cropped off by 2 inches at the top, but the length is correct and not cropped?  Measures 14 x 36.75 inches.

Don't know why the page shows the correct dimensions, and it looks right on the screen, but the printer's output doesn't match.  Cry

This is with the "stubborn" rear feed slot (That often reports "SKEW" errors.) with canvas and matte ink if it matters.

Aside, I found to keep from having feed issues with the rear slot and canvas, if I open the top black door and see the paper auto-feed to about 1/4" ahead of the black spring loaded presser are that extends the width of the paper, and make sure the 1/4" is the same on both sides as the printer head scans the paper edge for evenness, I can tug the canvas paper back on a side to even it before the head fully parks and reports back "SKEW Error.  Reload."  if I see "Ready" after my forcible paper tug to make the paper straight and parallel to the print head travel and paper presser arm, I'm good to go.

Whomever came up with that idea of "taping a paper leader to the front of the canvas" and using it to feed into the machine should be thrashed.  If that leader comes off, and you got tape wrapped up inside the printer, you got a major dismantling mess on your hands to get it all out of the feed and roller system.  DAMHIK either!  Angry Angry Angry

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2013, 06:32:15 PM »

However, once coming out of the printer, it is cropped off by 2 inches at the top, but the length is correct and not cropped?  Measures 14 x 36.75 inches.

The driver is changing the output most likely.
check Page Layout Tab in Printer Properties.

It should look like this attached

I have a question.

I have a friend with a 3880, actually 2 friends with a 3880.
Neither takes roll paper, and the max paper size is supposed to be 22", HOW DO YOU GET IT TO PRINT A 36 INCH PRINT?


"""Maximum Paper Size:

Main top-loading feeder: Up to 17" x 22"
Manual rear path: Up to 17" x 22"
Front manual feeder: Up to 16" x 20" straight-through
Maximum Paper Thickness: Up to 1.5 mm cardboard

Paper Weight: 12 lb bond

Borderless Sizes: 4" x 6", 5" x 7", 8" x 10", 11" x 14", 13" x 19", 17" x 22"

Paper Capacity:'''

Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2013, 07:34:51 PM »


If you look in the "User Defined" area in the Epson 3880 driver pane, it says something about 17 x 37.5 inches as the maximum size.  I made a few special entries in there for 17 x 22 and 17 x 25.5 inch papers (I prefer the 17 x 25.5 as it is the 2:3 ratio (35mm) off the FX sensor size) and some 16.25 x 36.5 panorama thing I also entered.  You have to set it slightly less than 17 inches as it won't do borderless at that size (That I have yet found.).  I think a lot trim down to 16" widths and use the less stubborn front feed slot, but the back slot takes the 17 inchers.  If it accepts your size values and back out of it, the main Epson window won't flip out and report a size of 4x6 inches too.  It'll say User Defined or show the User Defined and "Saved" size like 17 x 25.5 or similar.

I can feed 17 inch rolls I cut down into 38" lengths into the rear feed slot.  I just set some flat board across the back tray into the rear feed slot and lay the paper on it and let it pull in.  Problem is always getting ti to feed 1/4" ahead of that long black presser bar without getting the "SKEW" error message.  As mentioned, once I see "Ready" (Paper about 1/4" ahead of that black presser bar (with all the little springs) it's set to go.  Actually, if I hang a 2" x 36" PVC pipe resting on a couple of 24" long Harbor Freight QuickClamps (Clamped to the table ends the printers are on) up over the printer I can let slip a roll paper of paper over the PVC pipe and let it feed down into the printers too.  Ergo, a poor man's roll paper feed system.  Wink

Also, Epson just got back to me on the 14 inch printing width cropping issue.  Although I had set it to 16.25 inches, evidently I need to set the paper up into "Portrait" mode over "Landscape" else it will auto-crop images.  Now it is working again properly with that setting.  QU shows the tall portrait thing (sideways), and opens it in Landscape in the Editor part.  It doesn't show the size correctly for the image if the Epson driver crops down 2 inches in Landscape, but no matter as it works now.

I had the Paper set to Matte Canvas, (Matte ink - although I am using dye ink and not Epson K3 pigment.), "User Defined" for panorama size, and Portrait.

See image below:  Measures 16.3 x 36.5 inches.

Does a nice job too.  Grin

Actually, the Canon 9000 II series also does long panoramas, much longer than what they show in their literature too.  I think I can go out to around 28 or 32 inches with them, although its restricted to 13" width.  Canon tech support didn't even know about it.  Go figger!  Don't believe all they tell you on maximum sizes, or marketing size claims.

Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2013, 07:40:03 PM »

Fwiw, Epson 3880 settings screenshot I am using.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2013, 07:43:49 PM »

Fwiw, Epson 3880 settings screenshot I am using.

There was no problem, as I set that size too. I did a print to FILE and the size came out right.
My question was aimed at paper sizes. I wanted to know how you were able to get paper to make that size print.
Thank you... you answered perfectly. You get roll paper custom cut for you...
I will pass that on.
Thank yo!

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