« on: July 16, 2011, 02:54:03 PM » |
Hey everyone,
I'm having a problem with my epson gripping the paper too tightly so that when I print I end up with an indentation across the whole width of the paper about 2 or 3 inches up. I know that epson recommend that you remove paper if you're not using the printer for any length of time but it's marking the paper in a matter of minutes. The only solution is to load and unload the paper with every print which kind of defeats the object of using roll paper.
I've spoken to epson but they weren't much help, they suggested I change the platen gap which is irrelevant surely but as I don't use genuine epson canvas (I use breathing colour) they decided that that was probably the problem. It does it on all papers that I've tried by the way, is there any way of controlling this that anyone knows of?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2011, 03:45:55 PM » |
Adjust the platen gap, as Epson suggested. I'm not familiar with that printer, but the gap will be selected according to paper type, and there will be other adjustments you can make within the driver/epson control panel. Make sure the rollers are clean. I'm assuming you are getting an indent across the full width, due to the pressure being on the same position, gripping the canvas between print sessions for a period of time. Alternatively just advance the paper until that area is beyond the printing region.
Best wishes,
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2011, 05:42:05 PM » |
Thanks again Ray, I'll try the widest setting to see if that makes any difference, it's already on wider which is the setting suggested by breathing color for epson but I guess all printers are slightly different even with the same model? Checking the rollers, is that easy enough to do? The printer was already assembled when it was delivered so it's a bit annoying that I haven't got the faintest idea how everything fits together, I guess that's what manuals are for, need to try and get in there anyway as using canvas most of the time gets dusty, quite a few prints have come out with unprinted specs or a printed bit of dust will fall off leaving a gap. Anyway, all good fun, I'll have a poke around in the control panel to see if there are any other settings I can change. Looking around it seems that in previous models there was a lever that you could throw to release the pressure when the printer is laying idle, can't do that with this one, all you can do is press the release button on the control panel but that also rolls the paper back up too so you have to reload it every time. I hate so called improvements like touch screens etc, you know where you are with levers, switches and buttons!
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2011, 09:55:19 PM » |
I hate so called improvements like touch screens etc, you know where you are with levers, switches and buttons!
It's all marketing today, not engineering... Some canvases are not very 'clean' to start with. Perhaps you need to spool off a length, clean off the crud, and re spool it before printing. Maybe if you just advance the paper a bit (print a separate narrow blank image), since on my printer, if I just advance the paper, it seems to persist in rewinding before printing. The crushed strip can be positioned in the wrap region, and will not show. Best wishes, Ray
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2011, 04:10:54 AM » |
If you are printing canvas and stretching it I wouldn't worry about the slight indent, it will stretch out with no problem. As Far as dust there should not be any in the canvas but you might have some being created if you are using the auto cutter. It will leave pleanty of cutting dust on the bottom and this may be encroaching into the print head Epson strongly recommends not using the cutter on canvas as it will dull the blade very quickly and you will need a $150 replacement sooner than your like. When you finish a print advance it down to the bottom edge of the printer to cut it and use a zippy cutter or utility knife using the edge as a cutting guide. I put electrical tape along the edge so I don't mar it with a knife or blade ;-)
BTW I've been using the new Exhibition Canvas Matte and I luv it.!
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2011, 10:33:35 AM » |
Hey guys,
sorry I'm just replying but I couldn't have switched notify on, you're right about the indent not really being a problem with canvas and also as I use deep frames any visible indent will most likely find itself on the edges or corner, it is noticable on other papers though in that it appears as a white line where the light reflects and then when you look closer you can see it's just the dent. A little bit annoying but I just have to remember to unload the paper after every print.
As for the cutter and dust, that makes sense, the design is good in that it cuts the paper outside of the printer but I hadn't thought about the dust on the cut edge when it is fed back up. I'll try the blade trick and tape along the edge.
Ray, you mentioned keeping the rollers clean. What is the best way, cotton wool and distilled water? I'm also having problems with ink being transfered to the back of the canvas. I've looked inside and there is a lot of wet ink on the plastic under the rollers between the foam pads, probably from borderless overspray or a wrong paper size selection (doh!). What is happening is that when I load the paper it is obviously brushing past the wet ink. If I print something small like a nozzle check and then unload the paper (to avoid the indents) the ink on the back is then finding itself on the printing side when the paper rolls back around. It is very obvious when you look at the back of a print as the paper is held quite firmly against the wet ink as it is printing but obviously that's not such a big issue.
My solutions so far are to load and unload every time and to avoid ink being transfered to the back of the paper I've turned paper size check off, that way I only need to pull the paper up as far as the print head, unfortunately I'm sure I'm missing out on some valuable checks being done by the printer. Anyway, the ultimate solution is to clean it so what's the safest way and thing to use to avoid damaging anything?
Cheers again.
By the way, I've had a look online for the Exhibition paper and it looks pretty good but it looks like I'll have to wait a little while for it to be available in my area, would be good to find an alternative, one that's good with b&w would be excellent!
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2011, 12:01:24 PM » |
Hi Jamie,
If it is crushing paper, as well as canvas, then it seems that there is something way off in the platen settings. That, combined with the excess ink you seem to have floating about suggests you should consider having the printer properly serviced. You may be able to find the service manuals on line, if you want to do it yourself, but they may require some searching. For cleaning, then a lint free cloth and ordinary tap water will be OK, but it depends on what is stuck to the rollers, if anything.
Best wishes,
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2011, 11:48:45 AM » |
Thanks Ray,
you're probably right about the service, my maintenance tank is on 13% too so as good a time as any. I managed to get the ink off ok I think, it was just on the plastic so very wet and came off easily. The ink was only in the middle and I remember what happened there, someone gave me some random A4 paper so I was trying to find a good setting and one of the settings I tried defaulted to a3 (a4 wasn't available) after I'd selected a4 but didn't notice until it had already printed a few lines. Anyway, set the thickness to 16 instead of 3 (which the test print indicated was the best thickness) so we'll see if that makes any more difference.
Cheers again.