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Author Topic: Epson R1800 Profile for HP Everyday Matte  (Read 14353 times)
Posts: 19

Photography, PCs, Sailing

402827 ArtM9
« on: July 28, 2013, 02:06:54 AM »

I do a lot of my run of the mill printing on HP Everyday Matte paper.
(100 sheets per pack - inexpensive - relatively)

Anyone have  or suggest a profile for Epson R1800 printing on this paper ?

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2013, 09:08:25 AM »

I do a lot of my run of the mill printing on HP Everyday Matte paper.
(100 sheets per pack - inexpensive - relatively)

Anyone have  or suggest a profile for Epson R1800 printing on this paper ?

Hi Art,
Guess what!   I have an R1800 too, and I use HP ADVANCED GLOSSY for everyday printing too.
(You use matte. I use glossy..) Nevertheless, it's pretty good paper and I get it for 20 bucks 100 sheets anywhere on line, and I even bought 3 boxes from HP on sale, for 14.95 / 100.
On to profiling.
I make my own profiles using Profile Prism. And coincidentally, I made new ones yesterday due to my changing ink suppliers.
I can speak for the glossy. It profiles easily. I'd bet the matte would too. (Not so easy with every paper brand)

By the way, Profile Prism is Mike's product too, so you know it works. 
Full Member
Posts: 111

« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2013, 10:12:31 AM »

A bit off-topic, I also use HP Adv. Glossy on my R1800 with very good results except for the "pizza wheel" tracks.  Do you get these Fred?  It's most noticable in very dark areas.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2013, 10:23:24 AM »

A bit off-topic, I also use HP Adv. Glossy on my R1800 with very good results except for the "pizza wheel" tracks.  Do you get these Fred?  It's most noticable in very dark areas.

Not off topic at all...
No, I don't get any of that... I have a few test prints on the desk right now. looking with the OTT light, and looking cross wise too, I don't see anything wrong.
Your other glossy papers are OK?
I will see if I can find the book and see if there's any pressure adjustment. Been almost 6 years since I looked at teh book.
Wolfgang Exler
Posts: 17

21814841 divemasterexi@msn.com wolfiexler wolfgang_exler
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2013, 08:37:30 AM »

there are two choices: either you print my test Charts from i1Profiler and send These printed Charts to me (Germany) and I create profiles, or I will check for the paper, Change one of my R1800 back to Epson Ink cartridges and created the profiles by myself.

I assume you prefere the second method. I checked for that paper here in Germany, I assume you use the HP item no C7007A, but I could find this paper only in 24inch roll Format for Designjet Printers.

So to be sure the Profile will be right for your paper, I would prefere the first method.

please download These two profiling Targets:


I assume you know how to print These Targets with all Color Management disabled Setting.
when done, please send me an E-Mail and you will receive my postal mail address so you can send the printed Targets to my. As soon These Targets will arrive, you will find an answere here with the download link for that Profile. Please mark the profiles with Printer, paper so I can distinguish them from other Targets.

Also, if there are more ICC profiles needed, all ouf you can do this the same way. You may bundle also Targets printed from friends to save shipping cost.

hope this may help anybody



Wolfgang Exler
Stuttgart, Germany
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