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Author Topic: Epson R800 Paper Feed Issue?  (Read 39596 times)
Posts: 38

« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2009, 05:35:26 PM »


I had a paper feed issue with my R1800 (still do actually) and the epson support recommended the Platen Cleaning sheets.  Here is the link http://epson.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/12552 .  If the link doesn't work, the product code is S041150.  It didn't solve my problem though.  My R1800 (which I love also) will double/ghost print as well but mine sounds more like the gears jumping teeth when printing, happens about 80% of the time now.  I've tried different papers, changed to the thick paper setting which helped initially, ran through the service manual and tried things I could do without the epson diagnostic tools (o'scope, etc.).


Fred A
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« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2009, 06:18:02 PM »

I really have no "issues" at all with my R 1800. Ir feeds paper perfectly as well as making luscious prints.
What caught my attention was the comment from the previous poster that we should try the cleaning sheets included.
I read the pamphlet that comes with the paper, and it indicated there was a cleaning sheet.
Your article says, "Platen Cleaning Sheets are included in packages of certain Epson Specialty Papers."
That seems to clarify, and also to make you think.... if the cleaning sheet is not in Premium Glossy and not in Luster, then perhaps the "specialty papers" have a greater amount of dust and residue that might require cleaning..
It says, use the cleaner paper after you finish the pack of paper.

Thanks for the help.
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