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Author Topic: High resolution (PPI) printer  (Read 9049 times)
Posts: 1

« on: August 22, 2015, 09:49:39 PM »


I am planning to produce some quality lenticular prints with high frame rate and am looking for a printer for this complex purpose. From what I have found is that it's essential to have a machine with high native resolution (PPI). By far the most common choice in the field seems to be Epson printers (720 PPI). I was wondering if there are any other printers available with even a higher PPI?

Am I missing something or why are printer's native resolutions so difficult to find out? So far I have found only one suggestion related to the topic and even this is something I am not really sure (some other sites claim a lower resolution):

"The Z3200 drivers set at Best quality + Maximum detail will ask for 1200PPI input. Whether that actually delivers 1200 PPI output quality is another question that could in theory be resolved with MTF charts of print paper resolution tests."

Thanks a lot,
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