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Author Topic: Hp designjet 130 printer - QIMAGE crashes when I try to print. Using updated drv  (Read 10057 times)
Posts: 2

« on: August 28, 2010, 11:05:37 PM »

Help please! I am trying to print large PSD images using Qimage, so I downloaded the demo version to make sure it would work for me before buying. I am printing to a HP Designjet 130. I set up Qimage as per the tutorial-identifying the printer, changing to the ICC profile I want to use for printing, setting printing preferences in the DJ 130 printer setup windows, etc. etc. but when I hit Print Windows immediately crashes--I get a System Service Exception. I was able to use Qimage to print  with my other printer (a little HP business inkjet 2300 printer) - which I tried just for a test. That worked fine-so clearly the problem is related to the DJ130 or an DJ130/Qimage incompatibility!

I got a message when launching Qimage after one of the Windows crashes saying that if the printer driver wasn't the most current/or compatible with my OS the system would crash. I have used the driver to print in Photoshop OK - though very large prints (24 x 36) are truncated which is why I'm trying Qimage. I did go to the HP website and downloaded the latest driver (which was the one I was already using) and installed it. Needless to say that made no difference.

I am using Windows 7 64 bit. I would be very grateful for any help or ideas you could offer as I have spent many hours hassling with this! Thanks, Marge
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2010, 11:00:46 AM »

I am using Windows 7 64 bit. I would be very grateful for any help or ideas you could offer as I have spent many hours hassling with this! Thanks, Marge

Marge, I know this is not what you were looking for, but I know (I did a message search) that there are others who have posted to the forum who use the same printer and Qimage.
That leaves me only to ask, you did install the 64 bit driver?
Can you select the printer in Qimage? I think so based on your post.
If you are using an old Printer setup stored in the Printer RECALL menu, you might want to ignore that and set up the driver manually.
It is also a good idea to click HELP and RESET PRINTER, in Qimage, before you manually set up the driver.

If you can get it to print after manually setting the driver, then delete the old printer set ups for that printer from RECALL, and make new ones.

Hope something helps.

Posts: 2

« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2010, 01:17:33 PM »

Fred, Thanks! I did re-downlowad the correct printer driver to make sure that's what I'm using and have reset when launching Qimage so old settings aren't being used, have also tried many other things--increasing Windows virtual memory, turning off advanced printer features, changing spooling settings, etc. etc.

Not sure what's causing the problem using Qimage with the DJ 130 printer, since I am able to print using Qimage on another printer (not a DJ130).

I noticed, in reading past Qimage posts re similar problems that people were using Sony computers as am I so maybe that's part of it...

However, I have figured out how to print very large prints in Photoshop and so will stick with that. Too bad, Qimage looks great and I would love to be able to use it!

Thanks for your help!
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