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Author Topic: HP Glossy Premium Plus Photo Paper with an HP Officejet Pro 8600  (Read 20343 times)
Posts: 8

« on: September 19, 2012, 02:21:30 AM »

I’ve had this printer (HP Officejet Pro 8600) just since Monday, and right off the bat I can’t print photos on photo paper (HP Glossy Premium Plus Photo Paper), while printing onto regular paper is just fine.  I’ve made sure that all of the recommended settings are in effect in the printer driver.  I simply get a message saying that the printer is out of paper when I know I have the photo paper loaded! 
Others have reported this same in HP forums, but it doesn’t seem that there is any answer.  I’m asking others here if they have any experience with the said printer, and if they have any recommendations.  Is this a good all-purpose printer without actually buying a photo printer, and if you are not confident of the as an all-purpose printer that does good printing of photos also, what are some recommendations?  TIA! 
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 09:24:29 AM »

Others have reported this same in HP forums, but it doesn’t seem that there is any answer.  I’m asking others here if they have any experience with the said printer, and if they have any recommendations.  Is this a good all-purpose printer without actually buying a photo printer, and if you are not confident of the as an all-purpose printer that does good printing of photos also, what are some recommendations?

I know this is not much help, Darius, but I did look up the printer in a few choice locations.

As for specifications, the only thing that struck me was a need for 2 gigs of free hard drive space.... (data for a  color print is larger than a document).... do you have that?

The rest, (and I mean this in a helpful way. No derision at all,) is to ask; have you read the reviews?
I have never seen so many seriously bad reviews for a product in a long while. The reviews for how fast it prints and the use of less inks are all over the articles and seem to try to cover up the myriad of problems.

Usually, when looking over comments on any product, you will see 5 stars and two stars... averaged out, you see 4.5 stars....
There are always people that grumble about a product either because they expected it to do something it wasn't designed to do, or they got the one in a thousand defective unit.
But this model has so many complaints, mostly in the "will not print" area that I would bring it back and get a refund.
Tons of complaints from frustrated buyers that get no help from HP support... and obviously, you are here because you probably already tried.

I clipped a chunk of one page of complaints... one complaint! Pasted below.

Delynn • 2 months ago −
I bought this printer new at the end of May 2012. By the middle of June it stopped working in the middle of printing a photo. This was only my second time printing with it. Just died and nothing worked to turn the power back on.

I contacted HP support and their solution was, "Unplug it, plug it back in. Is is working?" They determined they couldn't help so they sent me a replacement. The replacement turned out to be a used printer! As a replacement for a brand new printer they send a used one.

To make it worse, the used, replacement printer didn't work. This one gave nothing but error messages regarding a missing or defective print head. I installed the print cartridges again using the manual, online troubleshooting and HP techs on the phone. Couldn't get the error message to go way. Their solution, after, "Turn it off, turn it on. Is is working?" ... send another used, replacement.

Third printer arrives and again, I get nothing but an error message indicating the print head is missing or defective. HP troubleshooting says it's probably defective print cartidges. So I go and spend another $100.00 on new cartridges trying to resolve the problem. THAT doesn't work.

I have been trying to deal with HP Support since the whole mess started and they have done abosolutely NOTHING to resolve this matter except send me used, defective replacement printers.

At this point you couldn't PAY ME to own this printer. I have no faith in this product, or any
HP product, and their customer service is a joke.

I've repeatedly asked for a refund and all I get is condescending apologies at the start of every email and then no help at all. I was told for weeks that first contact techs were sending this issue on an "escalated, emergency, priority" basis to a Case Manager who would be contacting me.

I never heard from any Case Manager ... ever! There was no attempt by anyone to fix this situation.

I'm returning the printer today (I have asked several times for them to send me a shipping label to return their defective printer and they have not complied - so I'll pay for it with my credit card and dispute the charge just like I'm going to do with the printer ($158.00) and the useless cartridges they sold me at a 20% discount ($103.00) as a way to apologize for my inconvenience when the brand new printer died.)

This was the first, and LAST, time I ever buy an HP product.

I have an old HP Officejet 6000a. It's just a printer...   no three in one.
It is just for printing "stuff"; email or manuals.... etc.

As I said, probably none of this really is helpful, but at least you know someone is reading your post.

Posts: 8

« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2012, 12:32:34 PM »

Unfortunately, I didn't read reviews before I bought the HP Officejet Pro 8600 because I needed it right then and there and didn't have the time to sift through reviews, but if I take this piece of 'it looks good, but it's probably ****' back, I'm open to recommendations from users in this forum.  Yes, I do have the free hard disc space available. 
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