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Author Topic: ICC Profile Questions  (Read 29807 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 72

« on: March 18, 2012, 03:57:17 AM »

Hi guys, rookie problem here. I am looking to print on canvas, specifically the new Epson Exhibition Canvas Matte.  My printers do not have the profiles already so I have downloaded them.  I believe I have followed the instructions to the letter but when I go to print I cannot find this paper listed.  I have tried this on the MAC side using Preview, after following the instructions for installation on a MAC.  When that did not work I downloaded the profile again on the Windows side and then right clicked on the icon, and then clicked Install Profile as the instructions say to do.  I re-started QU but cannot find it listed.

What am I doing wrong?Huh???
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 09:06:47 AM »

Hi guys, rookie problem here. I am looking to print on canvas, specifically the new Epson Exhibition Canvas Matte.  My printers do not have the profiles already so I have downloaded them.  I believe I have followed the instructions to the letter but when I go to print I cannot find this paper listed.  I have tried this on the MAC side using Preview, after following the instructions for installation on a MAC.  When that did not work I downloaded the profile again on the Windows side and then right clicked on the icon, and then clicked Install Profile as the instructions say to do.  I re-started QU but cannot find it listed.

All I can think of when I see your nom de plume, is a beautiful pano of a railroad yard.

Ok back to the question.
Sort of confused here.
You cannot find the PAPER listed and cannot find the profile listed?
What brand and model printer?
Have you looked for the profiles manually in C:\Windows\system32\spool\drivers\color  ?
Usually, when you install the drivers, the profiles come along with the drivers in the pack, and they get placed in the proper profile folder automatically.
Even when I install a profile package by itself, they will go into that above mentioned folder.

Just took a peek in my folder..... I see profiles like Canvas MK and Canvas PK for Epsons


Jr. Member
Posts: 72

« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2012, 12:07:41 PM »

Hi Fred,

Actually have one nice one of a rail yard that does quite well.  Just need a few more where you can get back far enough to shoot a really long pano.

ANyway, I am using an Epson 9900 for this one.  Doing what you said I see SP7900 9900 ECM MK v1.

So its there it looks like.  With it in there should I not be able to see it when I open the print Preview window and select the type of paper?  I did read through Mike's article about ICC profiles last night and it said something about the settings, "Best Photo", having to be right to get it to work.  I played around with those too with no success.

I do have things like Premium Canvas Matte come up, but when I used this the colors were much darker than they should be.  My screen is correct as when I print on other papers with their profiles they come out right.

I there a way to pick manually the profile from the long list in the \color file that might help?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2012, 12:53:58 PM »

Nyway, I am using an Epson 9900 for this one.  Doing what you said I see SP7900 9900 ECM MK v1.

So its there it looks like.  With it in there should I not be able to see it when I open the print Preview window and select the type of paper?  I did read through Mike's article about ICC profiles last night and it said something about the settings, "Best Photo", having to be right to get it to work.  I played around with those too with no success.

I do have things like Premium Canvas Matte come up, but when I used this the colors were much darker than they should be.  My screen is correct as when I print on other papers with their profiles they come out right.

I there a way to pick manually the profile from the long list in the \color file that might help?

OK I have attached 3 screen snaps to address the driver settings and the Qimage placement of the profile.
For the sake of this discussion, I am assuming Epson Premium Canvas Matte as the paper you are using.

So I selected the matching profile.   I have no profile that has such a (SP7900 9900 ECM MK v1.) designation.
The profiles that I have read as shown in the screen snap as Epson_SP7900_9900_Premium_Canvas_Matte_MK_v1.icc, and the creation date shows as 12/19/2011.

So its there it looks like.  With it in there should I not be able to see it when I open the print Preview window and select the type of paper?

I don't understand this line; what it refers to....

Jr. Member
Posts: 72

« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2012, 01:27:15 PM »

Hi Fred,

Okay, you said you don't have the profile I listed above.  But in your screen shot I see under media type, Exhibition Canvas Matte.  That is what I am looking for I think.  I am looking to print on Exhibition Canvas Matte.

(The Premium Canvas Matte reference was simply that I tried that one first but it was too dark.)

So I do have the "SP7900 9900 ECM MK v1 showing in the long list of profiles in the \color box you showed me earlier.  I just can't se eit in the Media Type Box like you have it on screen shot number three.

How do I take screen shots so I can show you what I see?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 01:29:22 PM by BackdropJunction » Logged
Jr. Member
Posts: 72

« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2012, 01:39:21 PM »

Here's what I am looking at.  Figured out the screen shots.
Jr. Member
Posts: 72

« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2012, 01:39:49 PM »

And this one. Under the Media Type Box I cannot find Exhibition Canvas Matte, like you have in yours.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2012, 01:45:28 PM »

How do I take screen shots so I can show you what I see?
just to keep it moving, I, and Fred I think, use Greenshot:
But in your screen shot I see under media type, Exhibition Canvas Matte.  That is what I am looking for I think.  I am looking to print on Exhibition Canvas Matte. (The Premium Canvas Matte reference was simply that I tried that one first but it was too dark.)
It is possible that media is not listed in your driver - the profile does not add anything to the driver - but it should have instructions as to the correct media settings. Was there a read me when you downloaded the profile?
I wonder if Epson have updated your driver to include the new media, might be worth checking that too.
Jr. Member
Posts: 72

« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2012, 01:53:54 PM »

The paper that came with the canvas said to use Watercolor Paper - Radiant White if I was not using an ICC Profile.  I guess I thought the ICC would modify the driver so that it would appear under media type.  If I am wrong on this then I apologize for wasting time.

I am running it with the Watercolor setting mentioned and the colors are much closer.
Jr. Member
Posts: 72

« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2012, 02:08:42 PM »

So I found the Read Me File and it too says use the Watercolor setting I mentioned above.  This file does not make any mention of any other Profile so I guess that is how they intend it to be used.

So, what is the point of having a profile if the computer is not going to use it?  As far as I can see I am not telling the computer accurately what kind of paper is loaded in the machine.  It seems that I am telling it there is Watercolor Paper in it and to print to that.  This instruction is from the file that came with the ECM profile I downloaded from Epson.  It almost seems like they are saying download this ICC Profile and then don't use it, use this instead. 

Still on the back end of the learning curve I guess.
Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2012, 02:18:41 PM »

In the print driver you set Watercolor as the paper type, then in Qimage you use the profile you downloaded.  It will make the appropriate settings to the "Watercolor" type. It is a little confusing but when you separate the driver from the profile it makes more sense.

I use a Canon 6300. Depending on whose canvas I use I sometimes set the driver to Watercolor and other times to some type of matte canvas. This info comes with the profile or I put it in the profile when I make it myself. Then in Qimage when I set the profile I pick the one from the paper mfg. or from the profile I made.

Hope this helps

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2012, 02:19:50 PM »

The paper that came with the canvas said to use Watercolor Paper - Radiant White if I was not using an ICC Profile.  I guess I thought the ICC would modify the driver so that it would appear under media type.  If I am wrong on this then I apologize for wasting time.

I am running it with the Watercolor setting mentioned and the colors are much closer.

I am really confused.
Let's start with the profile.
Your profile is different from mine in name as well as created date.
Do you have the latest driver installed?
The screen snap of the Qimage Job Properties is showing a generic profile which is not used in this scenario. Your #2 Tif
Click on the Blue ball left of PRTR Profile in that Qimage screen and select the correct profile for your paper.

Your #3 Tif shows COLOR CONTROLS selected instead of OFF! This must be set to OFF!

Your #1 image shows a profile that I don't seem to be able to find. and the date is old.

Now here's a question that bugs me.
In all the years that I bought and used Epson paper for my Epson printers, never have I been asked to use a different paper selection from what the actual name of the paper.
In other Words, Epson Premium Luster= Premium Luster.
The only time I get a bulletin packaged in with the paper advising me to use a certain paper selection which is different from the name of the paper would be if the brand of paper was not genuine Epson, or the Epson paper was newer than the driver.   

So you should have a look!    If you indeed have Epson Canvas matte, or exhibition canvas matte, you need to update the driver, find the matching paper selection, and also the matching profile.
By all means, Turn Off Color Controls in the driver. !!   

Let's go with baby steps..... Set the driver first.
Correct paper
Color OFF

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2012, 02:28:00 PM »

Okay, you said you don't have the profile I listed above.  But in your screen shot I see under media type, Exhibition Canvas Matte.  That is what I am looking for I think.  I am looking to print on Exhibition Canvas Matte.

This is a selection of choice of paper found in a lit in the driver.
If this paper is not listed, double check that you have the latest driver
Jr. Member
Posts: 72

« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2012, 02:52:35 AM »

Thanks guys for the info.  Now I see that the driver likely needs to be updated.  I did not understand that the profile and driver were separate.  The printer is six months old and the drivers that came with it were probably older than that.  I will upload the latest driver and see if that gives me the fix.  I too was surprised by the Media Type Box wanting me to use the Watercolor setting.  I guess I would have expected it to say something like this paper can be found with driver uploaded as of a certain date or something like that.

I was surprised to read that I should turn color management off.  I assume QU will handle the color management?

I attached the PDF that came with the paper profile.  Basically the same thing is stated on the little bit of paper that comes with the canvas.  Seemed weird to me too.

Thanks for the help. 

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2012, 09:22:46 AM »

I was surprised to read that I should turn color management off.  I assume QU will handle the color management?

You are close, so very close!  Remember? "The Rain in Spain stays mainly in the ....."   I think he's got it!

That's the idea!  When you turn Color Management OFF, you are saying that you want Qimage Ultimate to manage the color, so Mr. Driver, I am turning you OFF!
I don't need you to mess with or adjust the color. Just take the data and and print it!!

Last item:
The Tif #4 is a screen snap of the instructions that come with the Profile, not with the paper.
It is saying to you: "Hey we made this profile using these settings: Selected Water color paper, color off..... etc etc etc"
When you use this profile, set your driver to the same settings and select the same paper choice, and you will get the best results possible from this profile.

My only question left at this point is why are the 9900/7900 profiles that I downloaded different from yours?
I did some checking.
Your profile and instruction set is the latest for Exhibition Canvas Matte.
The other profile is for Premium Canvas Matte.
That solves that mystery.

So you should be all set now!

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