I am a photographer by hobby. It had been frustrating to deal with so-called print labs that refused to take TIFFs, or only offered photocopy output, or only offered 150dpi. So I said, "To hell with that." I saved up the money then purchased a 7900 HDR. I knew this thing was going to be big, but never expected a delivery via 18 wheeler. It arrives on a pallet with a shipping weight of 320#. Do not expect the driver to haul this into your home. The dealer's obligation ends once it is at your address. I got mine from Adorama. They used Oak Harbor Freight to ship it. The huge box arrived in excellent condition considering it travel cross-country. The driver used a hydraulic forklift to roll it into my garage.
Peel off all of the labeling in case you need it later.
After cutting the shipping straps, one person can lift off the box. It ships without a bottom.
Remove the stand box which is on top. Haul it upstairs and assemble it.
Now, take a very long look at the shape and size of this head unit. Find the grip points. Think long on how you will need to turn this around and maneuver it through the door and up the stairs. If you don't have arms like Sasquatch and cannot lift 200# above your head, don't even think about moving this on your own. This is a two man job.
I have read online that these units can be turned on-end without damaging the printer. I did that and it was fine. You should place large panels of cardboard on the floor where you will need to pivot the printer at the base of the stairs and at each landing on the way up. One side of the unit is heavier. Position that on the bottom. Two men can lift this thing as long as you don't get cocky. Travel one step at a time. Place the unit on-end at the top of the stairs and pivot it where you need it, then lower it to the floor. Here is where you rest, high-five each other, and shout "You da man!"
The stand should be assembled and the wheels locked. Lift the unit and carefully rest it onto the stand. Make sure it is stable before taking your hands off of it. It makes no sense to end up weeping after all of your hard work, not to mention money. Check under the head unit to confirm that the two pegs are inserted into the bottom of the unit. The wing-nut brackets should be aligned with the threaded holes (2). If so, you are done. Tighten the wing-nuts.
Now read the @$#@$ manual!