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Author Topic: Print sizes on HP Z3200  (Read 8441 times)
Posts: 7

« on: November 08, 2016, 02:20:02 PM »

I recently bought a HP Z3200 44” printer.  This printer has a far steeper learning curve than the Epsons I have used until now (“Steeper learning curve” is a euphemism for “there are things about this machine that are seem weird”).

Anyway, I hope someone on this forum can solve my current issue.

Let’s say I have roll paper that's 44” wide.  I want to make a 24" x 44" print. 

On an Epson, using the printer interface on Photoshop, I enter the width of the paper and the length, and the machine prints it, no problem.  The print uses the full 44” width of the paper and cuts the roll at 24” when it’s finished printing.

On the HP, however, the machine’s doesn't seem to allow me to make a print that's wider than it is long.  Instead, if I tell the machine (through Photoshop) that I want a 24  x 44 print, it will print 44 x 44, but only use 24” of the width of the paper.   I end up with a square piece of paper with the print running along one side.

(If I had a roll of 24" wide paper, the print would be fine -- 24" wide by 44" long -- but I don't want to stock different widths of paper.)

Does Qimage allow me to use the HP the way I have used my Epsons in the past?  Or, does anyone know how to tell the HP to make a  print that is wider than it is long?

I have search other posts on this forum.  It seems other people have issues with the HP print sizes, but I don't believe this particular question has been addressed.

Thanks, Anderson
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2016, 02:39:22 PM »

Hi Anderson
Yes that HP Z series printer is a challenge to say the least.
However there is one man on here that does know itr inside out.
His name is Ernst; a very nice person that I am sure can help you.

Easiest way to get hold of him would be via email or a personal on line message through the forum.
Therefore Click on this link to his most recent post. It will offer his email address and a link to write a personal message if you prefer.

Have patience though. Hem might take a day or so to see your message.


« Last Edit: November 09, 2016, 05:21:53 PM by Fred A » Logged
Posts: 7

« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2016, 04:25:02 PM »

I have seen Ernst's name on other forums (fora?).  I have just emailed him directly.  Thanks very much.
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