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Author Topic: Printer leaving voids when used w/Qimage  (Read 29415 times)
Posts: 12

WWW Email
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2011, 09:54:57 PM »

I think it's a problem with the driver and Qimage, as that's the only program where the lines appear.  There is a HP user forum, but it's so bloated with topics it's nearly impossible to sift thru.  Now that I'm down to just the one problem maybe I can find something there.

Thanks again for making me you special project the last couple of days.

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Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2011, 09:19:54 AM »

I have been dealing with Qimage and the cop out line, "It doesn't happen when I print with other programs", for over 10 years.
I have heard people tell us that the 8 x 10 prints chop off heads in Qimage but 8 x 10s from "other" programs do not; prints too large, too small, pieces missing as in your case, and no pieces missing when printed from the other guy.
It is either a missed item in Qimage like the crop scissors, or you have a white border turned on and that shrinks the image on the paper,   OR, all else, it's the driver.

There's a factor to bear in mind, Qimage remembers the driver settings, and Lightroom, PS et al do not. So any scaling or markers turned on in the driver while in Qimage, will stick.
If you print from another program, you start with Plain Paper, and all the default settings.
So if you have something in the driver turned on as a marker or something, it will stay on.

The next factor. The HP drivers have earned the reputation for being very buggy, The worst part is they never fix them.
Why does the bug show up when printing with Qimage and sometimes not with another software?
The answer is in the chunks of data that Qimage sends to the driver being larger and more detailed. Some drivers cannot handle the data size and speed and choke on it.

My point is.... Concentrate on trying to find out what is causing the problem by calling and writing HP.
Make your point to them that the lines only happen with my new HP printer. Never had the lines before.
Otherwise, you have given them wiggle room to ignore you.

Please read,


Good luck!
Posts: 12

WWW Email
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2011, 10:02:01 PM »

Finally did find an HP link where I could chat on line with a tech.

He had me clean the ink cart. contacts and printer contacts...shake the carts. and reinstall.

No problems after printing a bunch more pics.  Hope that was it.

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Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2011, 10:07:12 PM »

Thanks for the follow up.
Good for all of us to keep stuff like that in the back of our minds so we can help the enxt person that reports similar problems.
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