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Author Topic: Printer profiles  (Read 18829 times)
Posts: 2

« on: February 14, 2010, 11:05:46 AM »


My problem is incorrect colour on prints, even though I have profiles set up for monitor, paper, and ink.

I have been using Epson 2100, their own papers and inks, and running XP. For economic reasons I have  had to stop using the original inks, and I knew it might be a gamble. I was assured by the retailer that the compatabile inks would be the same quality and give the same results as Epson own. They were wrong.

In desperation I an now trying to manually adjust colour in Qimage, but to be honest I cannot understand the procedures outlioned in the users guide. I know enough to correct colours, if using conventional darkroom procedures, but with digital work they don't seem to apply.

Two things I would like help on.
1. How do you undo set up profiles, I want to see if the default system might do a better job than the profiles.?

Any other tips will be a bonus.

2. How do you adjust colour in Qimage.?
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2010, 11:45:13 AM »

compatabile inks would be the same quality and give the same results as Epson own. They were wrong.
Will try to help, but maybe dumping the 3rd party inks and replacing with real Epson might be a place to start.
In the meantime, open the Color management box by clicking EDIT, Preferences, and Color Management.

Next locate the area called Printer profiles/output and you should see your printer profile in there.
There are two buttons all the way to the right of that box. One has ....  and the one above it has some design. Click that button.
That should put you in the Let printer handle the color mode.
See screen snaps attached.
Next, set your driver to ICM instead of No Color Management.

Second part of your questions deals with adjusting colors in the image?
There are a few ways to adjust colors. It would depend on what was wrong in the first place. If you mean that the inks are causing (for example) a washed out red, and you want to compensate, go into the batch screen where adjustments are made, and uncheck LOCK ALL COLORS in Saturation. Then select red and increase by typing in the % of increase. a 25 will increase the red saturation by 25%

Of course you can do that for any and all; R,G, or B.

If you want something a little more sophisticated, click the Curves Tab in the batch filter,
Again uncheck Apply to all. Select the color to APPLY TO: Select RED
Where it says RGB at the top, click the down arrow, and select RED.
Then you use your mouse and drag the diagonal line upper left or lower right to make the changes.
The upper part of the diagonal affects the lighter reds (example), and the lower, the darker.
Takes a little practice, but the control is very versatile.
There are more.......... Levels tab, and the dreaded SEL COLOR tab. :-)   

See snaps, and see if any of this helps.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2010, 11:47:18 AM »

Two more screen snaps
They wouldn't allow more than 256K total in screen snaps.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 11:55:48 AM by Fred A » Logged
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2010, 11:54:13 AM »

The best tip, get a copy of 'Profile Prism'. You can make icc profiles for any combination of ink and paper, and there is useful information on setting up your monitor, etc.
If you buy paper from a reputable supplier, they will often provide a print profile for your printer/ink combination for no charge.
You can contact Mike (or others) who will prepare a profile for you, for a fee.
To turn off the qimage profiling - i.e. let the printer handle colour management - then in the bottom rh corner, under the section labelled 'Job Properties', within 'Prtr ICC' set it to 'OFF'. you then fiddle with the printer settings in the printer driver settings.


Best wishes,

Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2010, 07:27:10 PM »

Hi Limey,

if you are in the UK, (with a name like that you may be Wink )phone these folk - http://www.advancedinkjetsystems.com/ - although not listed, they may have a cis or cartridges for your epson 2100. I use them myself, very, very helpful guys.

Also, try - http://www.fotospeed.com - They supply quality paper, and will provide you with a free profile. They send you a file, you print it following the instructions, using your printer and inks, you post the print to them, allowing a day for it to cure, and they email the icc profile to you. I use them too. (if you visit them, take some dog biscuits  Cheesy )

The above two are specialists in what they do, I expect your retailer is not.

Best wishes,

Posts: 2

« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2010, 02:37:04 PM »

Hello Ray,

    Thanks for answers to my first message. Have been in touch with Fotospeed, they are willing to send me a profile as you said. I can even use this cheaper ink.!!!

Why do you need to take biscuits on a visit to them?

Advance systems are still to reply to my message. Another point of query. One of my friends starting using CIS, but foiund he was constantly having air locks in the system, so much so that the ink he was using to clear these was used up too quickly. Is this a normal problem with CIS?

Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2010, 03:43:09 PM »

It was 'dog biscuits', but I guess even 'jammy dodgers' would do. The owners of Fotospeed have a beautiful gsd/cross breed, which they bring into the office most days.

There are CIS's and CIS's, like most things, I guess. Properly installed, with tested components and inks, like you get from the two places I mentioned, CIS's will work fine. Once you've paid the original kit price, running costs are low. The replacement cartridges have been improved from the early days. I have used the CIS's from Fotospeed on an R1800, both with pigment and dye inks.

Be sure to follow the profiling instructions exactly, and use the same settings or your final print. If you get problems, e.g. profile seems wrong, ask their advice - they do not have unhappy customers. btw, make sure the nozzle checks are perfect, before and after the chart print.

Let us know how you get on.

Best wishes,

Posts: 41

« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2010, 05:13:17 PM »

Hi Limey
I use a fotospeed CIS pigment system for my Epson 2100 printer together with Profile Prism and it's been a HUGE learning curve. The fotospeed CIS system works very well. I have been using it for about 10 months and no air locks whatsoever. In my opinion, the ink is excellent. The customer support is good; they got me up and running in an afternoon. Of course the install is absolutely one step at a time, and ensure that you follow the instructions! Hope this helps.
Best wishes
Sr. Member
Posts: 322

« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2010, 04:19:56 PM »

Will try to help, but maybe dumping the 3rd party inks and replacing with real Epson might be a place to start.

The Ultrachrome inks (K4) from Inksupply.com are identical to Epson.  There is absolutely NO difference in my prints between one cartridge or another.  The one thing that is BETTER is the Eboni black (matte) that is blacker than Epson produces.

<CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
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