Thanks for the reply. My screen shots match the ones you put up and....Qimage under 'Display image info' shows the image to have a Prophoto ICC from Lightroom. As I said, until I copied a Prophoto ICM into the Qimage folder the image printed with a red cast.
Incidentally, I am using Ilford Classic Gloss paper with profile IGCGP9-CANP9000 MkII_PPPGII.icc as supplied by Ilford; I usually create my own profiles for printer/paper combinations but I decided to try the suppliers first.
Incidentally, my experience with Ilford paper/profiles is to read the requirements carefully. Example: I use a Smooth Gloss Gallerie paper and the instructions call for choosing Semi Gloss in my Epson even though one would think Glossy would be right. They even request Relative Colorimetric as teh intent, even though most ask for Perceptual. (Weird)
On the Prophoto profile, I don't have it in either Qimage or any of the Qimage folders. It is located in the C:\Windows\System32\Spool\Driver\Color folder.
So you got me wondering on that one.