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Author Topic: Problems with Canon ProMk11 9000 Color Management  (Read 21916 times)
Posts: 8

« on: January 29, 2012, 09:16:57 PM »

Hello I know that this problem has come up before and if you do a search you will find it a lot but I thought I would try and see if anything new is known.

This is the problem with the Canon Pro9000 MK11.

If I use either Qimage or Adobe CS5  to color manage the print I get the pink bloom blush what ever you would like to call it.

My settings in Qimage are calibrated color monitor(spyder2express)

Printer icc is for canon pro9000 MK11 PT 1 photo paper pro platinum
I do use pro platinum for all my prints.

Rest of settings are the presets.

When I go to the printer properties all boxes are checked off for manual.

On main page manual I hit set and I get Color adjustment and I make sure all are at 0
Next the matching for color correction I set to None.

Doing that will result in a pink complexion. Also If I use driver matching I also get the pink complexion. Only way not to is to pick ICM which I am guessing is 2 profiles being used.
So to sum up of the three options on matching  none, driver matching, and ICM only ICM allows for no pink problems

I also installed the canon easy-photoprint-pro which is a plugin to adobe essentials which came with the printer. If I use that software the picture is perfect.Using the canon pro software when I go to color adjustment on correction I set all values to 0. Under color Management I use for Color Mode Enable iCC profile. The other 2 options are:  Photo color and Linear tone
For printer profile it is the same as qimage  ie the canon pro9000mk11 1 photo paper pro platinum. And rendering intent is set to Perceptual

One strange point If I do use qimage and pick ICM for color correction I get a perfect picture and it is slightly better than the one printed with the canon software. Maybe that is because of the sharpening though.

Well there you have it. I am hoping that someone has found out what causes this problem because I would rather not use canon's plugin. But if I must so be it.

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 09:45:09 PM »

Well there you have it. I am hoping that someone has found out what causes this problem because I would rather not use canon's plugin. But if I must so be it.

Hope this will help

Please look at the four screen snaps shown below.
If you have those set to match in your setup, then I would strongly suggest you do a nozzle /head cleaning job, and then make a nozzle check print
The fourth screen snap is the Canon Utility screen which you can get to from within Qimage.

Let us know.


Posts: 8

« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2012, 01:44:24 PM »

Well there you have it. I am hoping that someone has found out what causes this problem because I would rather not use canon's plugin. But if I must so be it.

Hope this will help

Please look at the four screen snaps shown below.
If you have those set to match in your setup, then I would strongly suggest you do a nozzle /head cleaning job, and then make a nozzle check print
The fourth screen snap is the Canon Utility screen which you can get to from within Qimage.

Let us know.

I have done the nozzle/head cleaning job and a nozzle check print head alignment also. No problems there. My screens match yours with the exception that on quick set up the color/intensity Manual Adjustment IS checked off but that has to be.

I called Canon about this problem and they acknowledged that on certain systems they have noted the problem. However as they told me again and again if using their software the pro plugin caused the pictures to print perfectly I would have to accept that and well to just move on.

I guess I will have to accept that. I would still like to know why if I set it to ICM rather than none I can get your program or Adobe CS5 to print perfectly.

And again I was hoping that perhaps someone had found a solution. BTW I have XP sp3

In the end I understand Canon's position that the printer does print perfectly using their software so that all there is to discuss  well from their perspective.

Fred A
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« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 03:15:01 PM »

The prints are GOOD? using ICM??  I must have missed that.   I would check the profile for being the correct one for the paper and printer.
I would try a different paper and a different matching profile. Then go back to the Matching NONE settings!

Posts: 8

« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2012, 03:55:33 PM »

The prints are GOOD? using ICM??  I must have missed that.   I would check the profile for being the correct one for the paper and printer.
I would try a different paper and a different matching profile. Then go back to the Matching NONE settings!


Bingo  I have a friend who owns a small photo shop and he came over this morning. I explained my tale of woe and he said he would look at it.

First thing he noted was that print preview was on. He said that was causing the pink problem. I'm thinking he's been spending too much time around the chemicals but I did turn it off and then with the manual setting at None I printed with adobe cs5 and Q-image and got perfect images with both.

Bottom line  the problem was picture preview being turned on. You know I spent close to 2 hrs with the Canon techs and not once was that brought up. Then I realized that in their plugin that print preview wasn't even an option.  Oh well I am a happy camper.

Thank you
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2012, 04:06:36 PM »

Bottom line  the problem was picture preview being turned on. You know I spent close to 2 hrs with the Canon techs and not once was that brought up. Then I realized that in their plugin that print preview wasn't even an option.  Oh well I am a happy camper.

Glad you have it solved, but I have the feeling you weren't actually printing. You were judging the print preview?
That always looks funky because it doesn't include the profile
Glad you are fixed up

Posts: 8

« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2012, 04:50:05 PM »

Bottom line  the problem was picture preview being turned on. You know I spent close to 2 hrs with the Canon techs and not once was that brought up. Then I realized that in their plugin that print preview wasn't even an option.  Oh well I am a happy camper.

Glad you have it solved, but I have the feeling you weren't actually printing. You were judging the print preview?
That always looks funky because it doesn't include the profile
Glad you are fixed up


No I wasn't judging it. I think that print preview was already on. I do not remember putting it on. It never bothered me that their was no print preview when printing with the canon pro software and Adobe CS5 Trust me I was printing and with print preview on you get prints with a pink hue. Turn it off and no pink hue.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2012, 03:22:27 PM »

No I wasn't judging it. I think that print preview was already on. I do not remember putting it on. It never bothered me that their was no print preview when printing with the canon pro software and Adobe CS5 Trust me I was printing and with print preview on you get prints with a pink hue. Turn it off and no pink hue.

Since the Print Preview only shows (as a rule) the raw data that goes to the printer, it should have no effect on the color of the print.
So, I wonder, for the sake of others with the same printer, could you possibly put that check mark in the Print preview box again (without changing anything else) and see if you get pink again?
If you do, that sounds like a bug in the driver,
Is there anyone else with that same Canon pro 9000 Mark II who can verify that a check in the print preview box changes the color or the print?

Thanks, in advance.
John H.
Posts: 11

« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2012, 12:11:51 AM »

I used some Red River paper a few years back for my old Canon S9000 and in the instruction it said to turn off print preview.  Not sure why.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 12:05:20 AM by John H. » Logged
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2012, 09:56:18 AM »

Thanks John....

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Posts: 224

« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2012, 02:03:32 AM »

Fred, I have the same printer (Canon 9000 MK II) and would look, but don't know where you are seeing the check box at?  I just had to reinstall Windows XP on the laptop due to a virus that caused the icons to open other programs and generally wreaked havoc.  System Restore killed the machine off in general so it was a new install.

Aside, I just went to the Canon Download site and I see Canon has released 3 new updates as of Feb. 2, 2012 for that printer.  They changed their default paper setting to some paper I have never seen out:  "Photo Paper Plus Glossy II N"

From their website's update notes:

- [Photo Paper Plus Glossy II N] has been added to [Media Type].
When using "Photo Paper Plus Glossy II" with "Pro9000 Mark II; Photo Paper Plus Glossy II N," select "Photo Paper Plus Glossy II N" in [Media Type] of this driver.

I recall Canon does some other driver install in the Windows 7 Ultimate machine with a different extension to the printer:  Canon 9000 Mark II, and one called Canon 9000 Mark II XQD (sp? since I am not on that one now.) or something like that and I show both there.  It doesn't show up in the 32 bit variation like Windows XP so I assume the one with the extension is the proper one for Windows 7 Ulitmate 64 bit.

Odd part was I just moved the ICC paper profiles from the Windows 7 machine to the Windows XP one and they seem to printer different, a bit of magenta and a bit darker.  I don't know if there is a difference between the the 32 bit and the 64 bit, but it seemed odd the same test print printed different between the two with the same ICC profiles from the 64 into the 32 bit one.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2012, 10:27:55 AM »

I recall Canon does some other driver install in the Windows 7 Ultimate machine with a different extension to the printer:  Canon 9000 Mark II, and one called Canon 9000 Mark II XQD (sp? since I am not on that one now.) or something like that and I show both there.  It doesn't show up in the 32 bit variation like Windows XP so I assume the one with the extension is the proper one for Windows 7 Ulitmate 64 bit.

Odd part was I just moved the ICC paper profiles from the Windows 7 machine to the Windows XP one and they seem to printer different, a bit of magenta and a bit darker.  I don't know if there is a difference between the the 32 bit and the 64 bit, but it seemed odd the same test print printed different between the two with the same ICC profiles from the 64 into the 32 bit one.

Hi Mack,
Each operating system most always gets printer drivers designed for that Operating system. Printer drivers determine how much ink is going to be used with a selected paper, as well as how much of each color gets mixed with another color.
So, I have a W7 machine 32 bit, and a W7 machine 64 bit, and I can also boot to Vista 32 if need be. The 32 bit and 64 bit drivers are different.

Perhaps they might be close, but the fact that Epson and Canon went to the trouble and expense to make Profiles for each OS seems to say, they *need* different profiles.
Otherwise wouldn't it have been cost effective to just say "Click Here" to download your profiles for either driver, 64 bit or 32 bit, or XP?

Since the profiles are free, why not simply download the proper driver and the profiles all install themselves while the driver is installing.
The new releases seem to show 2 drivers for each, 32 or 64 bit Windows.
One is pure windows 8 bit driver output, and the other is a 16 bit output which might have a way or bypassing Windows. I don't know. Have to research it.
There are 4 new drivers for Windows 7, and 4 sets of profiles that  go with them.

Reading the sentence that you pasted, I would think it means that Canon has made a correction to how that Glossy paper is handled, and in order to satisfy everyone, they advise you to select the N when using certain glossy paper, but left the other choice in the list, just in case there are folks that made their own compensating profiles for the previous driver choice.

When you go to get a driver from the Canon download and support page, you have to select the OS and whether you are Windows or Mac.

By "where am I seeing the checkbox", you mean the print preview check? See snap attached.
I am going to download the new driver to stay current.

PS. After installing, there are new profiles added by Canon which reflect the new settings in the driver for the paper mentioned.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 01:29:04 PM by Fred A » Logged
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