
Posts: 6
« on: April 29, 2016, 07:11:56 PM » |
I just downloaded Qimage and want to print to my laser printer, which is a Xerox Phaser 7500 Dx. When printing if you select: let printer determine colors, the printer prints using the printers color profile and the printer color management. If you try to select a custom profile, the printer does not print, crashes and states, printer does not recognize profile and only prints using RGB profiles.
Here is the question: as the color profile is an RGB profile, made from a color munki photo, why does Qimage not recognize it? Qimage will recognize color profiles made from the color munki for the Epson 4900 I have and prints wonderfully, but again crashes if I choose the Xerox profile and try to print to the 7500 using Qimages color management.
Any suggestions would be helpful...Thanks Richard
Fred A
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2016, 08:19:26 PM » |
Here is the question: as the color profile is an RGB profile, made from a color munki photo, why does Qimage not recognize it? Qimage will recognize color profiles made from the color munki for the Epson 4900 I have and prints wonderfully, but again crashes if I choose the Xerox profile and try to print to the 7500 using Qimages color management.
Any suggestions would be helpful...Thanks Richard Is it Qimage that is refusing teh profile or the printer is balking when you try to print with the profile inserted into Qimage? I have emailed you an Epson profile for the 4900. See if that acts the same way the Munki profile did. Fred
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2016, 09:10:17 PM » |
Hi Richard, Other question to add to Fred's: If you try to select a custom profile, the printer does not print, crashes and states, printer does not recognize profile and only prints using RGB profiles At what point does everything crash? Has QU finished processing as indicated by the progress bar at the bottom right of the main screen? If 'yes', it must be the driver not QU. What is set in the printer driver, something like 'no colour adjustment' similar to the Epson driver? Try printing to file with the Xerox profile set, does it crash then? If not, again, it's not QU. Terry

Posts: 6
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2016, 10:01:14 PM » |
The program crashes at about 30-50 % of the processing. I have tried this with one picture and four pictures to see if it made difference, but the program always crashes at around 30-50% completion. Then I have to use task manager to close down the program.
To be clear when I use Qimage and print to my Epson 4900 using a ColorMunki created profile, the program prints perfectly. When I use Qimage and I print to the Xerox 7500 using a profile created by the ColorMunki the program halts, displays the message that it does not recognize the ICC profile and it only uses RGB profile, then it crashes completely and becomes unresponsive.
If I use Qimage and I let the printer handle the color management and print to the Xerox 7500, the printer prints without an issue, using the print color management.
Thank you for your feedback so far...Cheers Richard

Posts: 6
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2016, 10:22:10 PM » |
Hello Terry,
I did what you suggested. I tried to print to a file. Here is what happened:
Try #1 set color space to sRGB IEC61966-2.1 (P) printed to a file perfectly. Try #2 set color space to colorMunki generated file: system crashed with warning at 29% of the print spooler. Try #3 set color space to let printer handle the color management, printed to the file perfectly.
Thanks for you continued suggestions...Richard
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2016, 10:35:35 PM » |
Hi Richard, From what you have said already, I wonder if, for some reason, you accidently made a CMYK profile instead of an RGB one? Terry
Fred A
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2016, 04:39:54 AM » |
Hi Richard, The profile I emailed to you was to try to print to the Xerox using it. I know the color was profiled for a 4900, but that isn't important at the moment. Just wanted to see if a commercial profile cured the problem. All the tests you did along with Terry confirm the problem. Now I respectfully suggest that you send me the profile thatis used when the crash occurs. Mike has tools to dissect and inspect the profile to see if it is compliance. From your initial post, If you try to select a custom profile, the printer does not print, crashes and states, printer does not recognize profile and only prints using RGB profiles. I thought the printer does not print and crashes sending an error messge. Didn't realize you had Qimage locking up. Terry's questions were excellent. Please email the profile that causes the crash , and I will ask Mike to look at it right away. wathree.ssz@verizon.netFred
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2016, 06:29:36 AM » |
I tried to simulate your problem by using a CMYK profile in Qimage. See 1st screen shot attached.
I got the message about QU only working with RGB profiles and then the program locked up and I had to use Task Manager to close it.
See attched screen shot of the message - it's quite clear what the profile being used was and why there was a problem.
Richard, did you get the same message?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 03:25:13 PM by Terry-M »
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2016, 07:17:53 AM » |
Richard, I found this thread on another forum. http://forum.luminous-landscape.com/index.php?topic=59824.0It seems Colormunki "decides what is best for a printer" whether it makes an RGB or a CMYK profile. You don't have a choice as far as I can see. Maybe it's possible to convert from CMYK to RGB somehow. Terry

Posts: 6
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2016, 05:44:41 PM » |
Hello Terry,
Yes this is the exact same message I receive. I will also try to print using the commercial profile and let you know how it works. Thanks for you help in trying to solve this issue.
PS I will call x-rite next week and see if that is the case regarding the colormunki choose the type of profile.
Thanks again.Richard

Posts: 6
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2016, 05:59:05 PM » |
Hello Terry-M
I printed to the Xerox 7500 using the commercial provide you provided. I also tried it with the Epson profiles I have for the 4900 and they all printed fine in QImage.
I agree the ColorMunki, maybe be monkeying around with the profile and creating a CMYK profile instead of a RGB.
I will call x-rite on Monday and see if there is a work around...Thanks Richard
Fred A
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2016, 08:29:08 PM » |
agree the ColorMunki, maybe be monkeying around with the profile and creating a CMYK profile instead of a RGB. Richard, Mike dissected the Munki profile and it is: prtrCMYKLab So that covers that side. He fixed the Freeze up on that error, and you will see it in version 150 Fred
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2016, 03:22:18 PM » |
Mike dissected the Munki profile and it is: prtrCMYKLab Out of interest I wondered why anyone would use a CMYK profile for colour printing. I did a bit of searching and found this forum and set of posts. https://www.etsy.com/uk/teams/7718/questions/discuss/12633282/It seems that many who do illustrative work on that forum do not understand colour management but one lady there puts them right and says RGB is the better way to go. She later says "The old CMYK "rules" don't apply to the digital world." So, why does ColorMunki appear to insist on using CMYK for a laser printer? OK. it's main use may be for illustrative work but for digital printing it seems the "pro's" in the field want RGB. ColorMunki people must this their users are not very bright - anyone using their kit is bound to know the basics of colour management and would know what to set. I'll be interested to hear if Richard gets anywhere with the ColorMunki people. Terry

Posts: 6
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2016, 02:19:50 PM » |
Called X-rite and this is what they said:
The ColorMunki software does not allow the user to choose what type of profile is created, that is, RGB or CMYK. The software, during the profiling phase looks to the printer driver to determine what type of profile to create. Consequently, if the user needs this ability they should upgrade to the i1pro photo. As this system costs $2200, I am not going to do this.
My next call is to Xerox to see if there is a way to change the native color space of the laser printer from cmyk to rgb?
Cheers Richard