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Author Topic: Why do i get sRGB.icm showing up in the Print queue  (Read 15545 times)
Posts: 3

« on: November 20, 2009, 05:36:39 PM »

hi there, I have been using Qimage for about a year now and have recently noticed something a little odd.

When printing (Epson R2400) some of my images (which have an RGB 1998 profile) show up with sRGB.icm

Why is this??

When i open up the images they have the correct profile attached to them? Other images in the same print queue have the normal *Adobe RGB (1998)* sign behind them.

I am using XP Pro as the operation system.

Any ideas out there??? Thanks a lot in advance for your time.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2009, 05:49:22 PM »

Any ideas out there??
There are two forces in play here.
First I would open EDIT Preferences, and select Color Management.
Make sure there is a check in the box that says Honor thy Honor EXIF color space tag when no ICC profile is embedded.

The other issue is the asterisks before and after the profile. The asterisks indicate that the profile is embedded in the image. No asterisk and Qimage will use the Honor system.
Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2009, 07:30:05 PM »

I have got the preferences set to Honor EXIT color space.

It is really weird as I the images have all be worked on in exactly the same manor and when opened and checked in Photoshop they have the right color profile attached??
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2009, 08:38:15 PM »

It is really weird as I the images have all be worked on in exactly the same manor and when opened and checked in Photoshop they have the right color profile attached??
That's the point. When you open in PS, you are opening in a color space of your choice or Photo Shop's choice, but the profile is *not* attached.
There is no profile attached to PSD files. You didn't mention what type of file.
I think you have something in PS under Edit convert to profile or assign profile that will do what you want. When you save it after convert to profile, it will show asterisks in Qimage and also the profile you embedded.
Posts: 3

« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2009, 08:58:59 PM »

Hmmm, that could be it. When I print the images I export them as JPEGs. I have just installed CS4 and I have not set up the color settings, perhaps that is responsible. I will do a few test and see if that resolves it. (strange though, as all pictures are worked on in the same manor, exported from lightroom as PSD files with a RGB 1998 profile worked on in photoshop and then saved as JPEGS) I will let you know if this is the solution, thanks

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