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Author Topic: Canon i950 printer  (Read 33047 times)
Posts: 15

« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2010, 05:35:06 AM »

Hi-  I would not give up on the i950 yet, or getting a print head for one. The i950 and i960 use the same print head- I find both printers on craiglist (here in Tucson,AZ) every now and then and recently purchase an i950 for $30 and it had not printed one full set of inks since it was purchased. Of course, they can be found on ebay, but are pricier. Be sure to print a test print if you purchase one locally. Have you tried cleaning/flushing the heads with a good cleaner to remove the yellow contamination ? There is some pretty good stuff that I've purchased off ebay that comes from Portugal- sometimes it will do the job. I like the canon BCI-6x iype printers- have been refilling the original Canon ink cartridges with Precision Colors inks and have been very happy so far as their ink formula seems to be pretty consistent. I've have a bit of a hobby with printers and have an i9900, i860, i950, i960 and IP5000, along with an MPF 50..
Posts: 12

« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2010, 03:55:03 PM »

Hi Guys,
It's been a while since I last commented here as we have been busy getting our gite up & running for the season.
I have since cleaned the print head in my i950 with isopropyl alcohol and I now have a fully functioning printer delivering sparkling prints.
Heres how for anyone interested.
I removed the ink cartridges from the print head, sealed them in cling film to stop them drying out, and detached the print head.
I placed a folded piece of paper kitchen towel in the bottom a sealable plastic container.
Soaked this with the alcohol and placed the print head on top of it with the print jets face downwards.
I then dribbled some alcohol onto the ink input points and then sealed the container.
I kept the paper towel moist with alcohol and changed it a couple of times and dribbled more fluid into the input holes.
Did this over two days and it flushed and cleaned the inkjets perfectly.
Once finished I ensured the print head was throughly dry and installed it back in the printer.
Ran the ink cleaning system a couple of times to get the ink flowing and the result was great.
Also found out that if you don't use the printer too often you need to run at least one print through the printer each week to ensure ink does not dry out in the inkjets.
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