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Author Topic: IT8 SCAN saved as TIFF vs JPG  (Read 14076 times)
Posts: 1

« on: December 04, 2014, 09:50:44 PM »

I just started with Profile Prism.  Instructions did not save what format to save the scanned image of the IT8 Target.  So initially i saved as TIFF, matching the format of the TIFF file used for the profile Target Print.  When followed the instructions to Profile the SCANNER, i had "60" "X's" and a warning message. The histogram had red on the leftside.  I did several scans with not much change.  Then i tried saving the IT8 Scanned image as jpg.  and the number of "X's" dropped to "4". 

Should i be using TIFF? Is there anything wrong with using JPG?

I have WF7620 Epson and printed the "...bright.tif" target file. Then used the IT8 Target and the printed file.  Followed instruction very carefully. then
Same happened when trying to Profile my Printer. Jpg worked but Tiff had around 50 X's.
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2014, 10:35:45 AM »

I have WF7620 Epson and printed the "...bright.tif" target file. Then used the IT8 Target and the printed file.  Followed instruction very carefully. then
Same happened when trying to Profile my Printer. Jpg worked but Tiff had around 50 X's.

I am not familiar with that scanner, and scanners just do not seem to be alike in any area. I Use a cheap LIDE scanner from Canon
What I will suggest is that you use the REGULAR target TIF and not the BRIGHT ONE..
I would also try to get the scanner software to use a RAW output mode if available.
If Not, TIFF is the next best.

X's are not that critical.... it is more important to get a decent report from Profile prism, a good histogram, and diagonal traces for the colors that do not his the top before they get to the right side, and hopefully do not get to the right side too much before it gets to the top.
Ideally, lower left corner to upper right corner with a dip in the middle.

Posts: 29

« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2014, 08:49:57 AM »


I would suggest that if possible you use Vuescan instead of Epson scan, Vuescan does a much better RAW Scan than Epson Scan.

Also try both the standard and Bright test image as that depends on the printer driver rather than the scanner software.

I have two Epson Printers an old R360 and a new 1500w and both needed the bright target to produce a readable patch target.

The downside is that you do have to use the paid for version of vuescan just to test it as it watermarks the scans until you enter a valid serial number.

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