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Author Topic: Next question...on PP  (Read 19320 times)
Posts: 37

« on: March 14, 2010, 04:52:58 PM »

Hello again,
Fred, that worked great regarding your answer to my find "Print" question.
I'm now into printer properties trying to turn off any color management.
My printer is HP Deskjet 9800.
In the printer properties, under the tab "color magement" my choices are:
color smart/sRGB
Adobe RGB
Managed by Application

Which one do I choose?  I guessing "managed by application", but sure would appreciate some suggestions.
Another big THANKS for any help!
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2010, 05:21:02 PM »

That would be my guess too.
That would mean that Qimage with printer profile set to OFF, and Driver set to "OFF" by letting application (Qimage) manage color, the actual target data (colors) should be printed,
Posts: 37

« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2010, 05:35:09 PM »

OK!!! We now have a target printed.  Whew!
Just have to wait 8 hours before proceeding, or maybe it'll be tomorrow.  :-)

Next question, Fred.  Do I need to go back into Qimage and change anything?  I'm not talking about the print driver, I know they need to stay where they are for now, but when I went into File, Recall, and clicked the J button for job, and then found the Q Printer target setup.  Before I close QI do I need to go back and reset anything?

I've quit holding my breath, at least, thanks to you, Fred!
Thanks yet again!
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2010, 05:50:30 PM »

Before I close QI do I need to go back and reset anything?
I would recommend that you either set Qimage back to its normal printing mode waiting for your new profile to be inserted and tried, or click FILE and exit without saving.
Bear in mind, when you use your profile, the driver must be set exactly as it was when you printed the target.

Posts: 37

« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2010, 06:07:19 PM »

Deep breath. 

Ok, Fred.  Now does that mean when I go back to print the profile, do I do the same thing again in QI about - File 'Recall J' Qprinter target setup?  ..and then print the target made from my scanner and the one I made this morning combined?  I know I need to leave the Icc profile off and the sharpen to 0 on the front right QI settings. 

I am printing your replies, and making notes, trying to get lost here.

Posts: 37

« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2010, 06:08:16 PM »

Excuse me.  That last sentence would b trying NOT to get lost here.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2010, 07:13:02 PM »

Deep breath. 

Ok, Fred.  Now does that mean when I go back to print the profile, do I do the same thing again in QI about - File 'Recall J' Qprinter target setup?  ..and then print the target made from my scanner and the one I made this morning combined?  I know I need to leave the Icc profile off and the sharpen to 0 on the front right QI settings. 

Betty, now I am getting lost.
I am working under the premise, based on your first post
I purchased PP and am loading it and reading today how to profile my printer
that you are creating a printer profile for a certain paper.
I don't understand the quote above.
After the target that printed has dried, you place that and the IT8 target into the scanner together (IT-8 to be the top). You do not use a scanner profile.
Just place the two mentioned items into the scanner and scan.. The result, depending on the software you are using will be saved and opened by Profile Prism to create the profile.
There will be two steps. You set the corner brackets for the IT-8, and when you get a report that it was read, you reset the dot to Printer target, and again set the brackets.
Then the CREATE button will come alive.
Two things to check:  Reference Target box should contain the same charge number as is printed on the IT-8 target. Make sure you have a descriptive name in the Profile Description box.
See screen snap

The only time you need those special Qimage target printing settings is when you are printing that TIF file supplied target image.
What I meant, when I mentioned the settings after printing the target, was just to remind you that after you create the profile, and with to put it to use by making a print of a test image or your favorite image, the driver settings must be the same as they were when you printed the target TIF. That is the DRIVER settings, not Qimage settings.
Qimage goes back to however you use it.. e.g.  Sharpen 5, Resolution 600 PrTRICC showing the profile you just made... OK?

Take it slowly. Review the Help, and practice.

Posts: 37

« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2010, 08:33:28 PM »

Fred, you are so good.
You answered me for sure.  I'm sorry to not be better relaying my question(s).  I'm a bit anxious, for sure.
But, my last question was when I shut down QI after printing the initial profile (first one), do I maintain the  FILE -Recall- J etc settings. 
I got you now.
I'm printing your helpful answers.
Maybe you should a "help" tut just for QI image folk who want to use the PP software. 
Your instructions have sure helped me today.
Another thank you!
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2010, 09:14:29 PM »

You answered me for sure.  I'm sorry to not be better relaying my question(s).  I'm a bit anxious, for sure.
But, my last question was when I shut down QI after printing the initial profile (first one)

Just help by keeping the terminology in order... :-D   
You didn't print a profile. You printed a target image.
You only need to print it once per paper type. That's when you use that "J" Print target JOB,
You did very well. That stuff is not easy the first time through it.
Posts: 37

« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2010, 10:49:54 PM »

You surely spoke the truth there!  The suggestion to use the file-Recall- etc was not in any of the info I read/printed. 
Gratefully yours!
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2010, 09:16:52 AM »

You surely spoke the truth there!  The suggestion to use the file-Recall- etc was not in any of the info I read/printed. 

The reason it isn't in any help file is likely due to Profile Prism being a program that appeals to, and can be used with, any color management aware program such as Photo Shop, Elements, and the later Paint Shop Pro apps.
You can see how valuable your Qimage becomes the more familiar we get with it.
Glad to help, and again, you did very well.

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