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Author Topic: Problem profiling Canon Platinum paper.  (Read 8580 times)
Full Member
Posts: 224

« on: November 30, 2010, 06:25:08 PM »

New user of Profile Prism here.

Equipment used: Canon MP970 printer (which does not show their Platinum Paper as one of it's selections even with their latest drivers.  Canon says to use generic Glossy Paper settings on the paper insert which I know is wrong.).  HP Scanjet G3110 with it's HP scanner software.

Anyway, I managed to get a printer profile for Canon's Glossy II paper.   It may be a bit light on density for my taste, but the color is far better on the Macbeth Chart off the "printer test.tif" print included with the program and my own Macbeth chart printed via Qimage.  Formerly, the cyan was much more blue than cyan (upper right square of the Macbeth chart) and the profile for that paper on the Canon MP970 was much too light in density over what came out of my Epson.  Canon support was "That's the way it is" and would not even comment on why the Epson printed side-by-side print I sent them off a SD card plugged into both printers came out far better on the Epson.  Go figger.  So I'm satisfied with my first profile for the Canon I made with Profile Prism.

Moving onto the Canon Platinum Paper.  I can get the scan of the IT8 target and get it as acceptable as I did with their Glossy II Paper.  However, when I move to the printer-target-40.tif print the yellows and oranges appear with "X" in them.  Maybe 130+ of them and as high as 250+.  Seems the paper is too bright and causing me the problems no matter how far down I turn the scanner's "Highlight Control" slider (It has adjustments for Hightlights, Shadows, Midtones (and each of those is -100 to 100 in value I can set), and Gamma which I leave at 2.2.

I've moved the Highlight to -100 and the yellows and oranges of the test print target still have too many "X"s in them? 110 to be exact on my 51st attempt.  Huh?

Fwiw, on their Glossy II paper, I could check the box "Check Clipping for Highlights" and see the small red boxes highlighted in the test-print-40 target print and then slide the "Highlight Control" until they were gone.  Then uncheck it, and then check the "Show Shadow Clipping" control and do the same with the "Shadow Control" (which shows little green squares in the printer-target-40 print) and maybe a bit of the "Midtone slider" adjustment as well.  Doing that got me pretty close to the final Profile Prism ICC file for the Canon Glossy II paper.  I got that paper right after the 7th scan, but this Platinum Paper. Ugh! 51 scans an no where close yet.


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