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Author Topic: Profile Prism v8.4 released: Jul 18, 2014  (Read 21581 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« on: July 19, 2014, 12:19:03 AM »



Version 8.4 has a completely redesigned profile generation engine that produces accurate, beautiful color for all types of profiles (camera, scanner, and printer)!  Incredible color accuracy and saturation allow v8.4 to make the most of all your profiles.  This update also fixes a UI issue where some text labels appeared as "white on white" and were unreadable in the previous version when using certain Windows themes, particularly older XP themes.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2014, 11:01:11 AM »

Version 8.4 has a completely rePesigned profile generation engine that produces accurate, beautiful color for all types of profiles (camera, scanner, and printer)!  ncredible color accuracy and saturation allow v8.4 to make the most of all your profiles.  This update also fixes a UI issue where some text labels appeared as "white on white" and were unreadable in the previous version when using certain Windows themes, particularly older XP themes.

OK, I spent all day yesterday making new scans, new targets, and new profiles using 8.4.
I use basically, 4 papers.  Epson Ultra Premium Glossy Epson's standard for glossy paper, Ultra Premium Luster, my favorite, Ultra Presentation Matte, (if you need to use a matte, it's pretty good and not expensive), and my give away paper, HP Advanced Glossy.
I still have Ilford Pearl in the closet, but I don't intend to buy any more.  Epson's Luster is just too good.

OK Profiling:
All the chatter that prevailed over 8.1, 8.3 was well deserved because it created the fine tuned 8.4
The intent setting when using your profile is up to what paper you are profiling and the ink, and even what printer driver.
The intent setting choices are P or RC.
To boil it down, you are going to make one profile per paper type anyway,. You don't have to make two to see which way you like it.
Make a test print with P Perceptual setting, and one with RC, Relative Colorimetric.
The RC setting might give you 2 skinches more saturation.
For you Metric people, 1 Skinch = .001 millicolours

Select the one that is most natural and accurate. Put the dot in the P or RC in the profile setup box, and then SAVE P Printer setup with a good name.

Screen snap below to help.

Now let's try that Epson profile for the Ultra Premium Glossy again.
I wanted to show how much better the Profile Prism came out, and I scanned my print to show here.
It was too many operations. Scans and resize and screen snap.... save at a lower Quality....
So I found a better way.
This is REAL!

Now if I can beat the Epson Premium Glossy profile, you can too.  
Imagine that you will improve all your papers if you can improve on the PGPP paper.

151 shows where to find the Profile setup screen
152 shows the setup screen and where to change  the INTENT P or RC
149 and 150 show the Epson vs. Profile Prism   (Both profiles using P)

I am having a ball.
Hope you are too.
Don't forget to click on the screen snap images to enlarge
PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2014, 10:45:58 PM »

Hello Fred.

May I suggest for clarification it is worth mentioning when you are discussing Profile Prism and when QImage (or other printing programmes).

Then again other readers are probably not as easily confused as me!



Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2014, 12:55:07 AM »


Whatever happened with your impressions on 8.4?  You said you were going to try it but then never reported back.

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2014, 01:33:38 AM »


Whatever happened with your impressions on 8.4?  You said you were going to try it but then never reported back.



I decided to have a complete rest from PP on Sunday. It's now Monday and was busy all morning.

Using my test image as a constant reference and using two different Ilford papers (Smooth Pearl and Gold Fibre Silk) I'm very happy with the "RC" output of PP8.4. The colours look very realistic and I would say it edges out 8.0 and, consequently, is a very worthy successor to it. I was happy with 8.0 (moaned my head off about 8.1 and 8.3) but will transition to 8.4.

The jalopeno looks like one again. Same for the cracker and the capers. The 8.4 jalopeno is very slightly brighter cf 8.0 but still a very natural red. The cracker looks more realistic with 8.4 cf 8.0.  

I expect normal printing over the next few weeks will confirm these observations.

Interestingly the 3D display of colour spaces of 8.4 look very similar if not the same as 8.3 so were there changes to other parameters not displayed in 3D that led to 8.4?

Following our conversations about scanners, what scanner do you recommend for profile generation? In connection with this, would you be willing to post or email an icm file that you have generated using pp8.4. I would like to view it. Merely satisfying my curiosity. I don't need to know what paper it is for.



« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 01:44:43 AM by pshrutpark » Logged

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2014, 08:59:29 PM »

The gamut hull won't change much because the profile is mostly just associating different RGB values with the same gamut.  The profile knows the real gamut of the printer/paper/ink and we are really only changing the RGB values that are mapped both inside and out of that gamut.  Still, the gamut won't really change so what you see in a gamut representation (3D map) won't change much if at all.

I use a LiDE 200 but any scanner with an LED light source is best.  I believe that leaves the Canon LiDE scanners and the Epson V500, V600 series.  Those are just the ones I am aware of so if you find others (maybe HP has some), just post here.

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2014, 02:50:43 AM »

The gamut hull won't change much because the profile is mostly just associating different RGB values with the same gamut.  The profile knows the real gamut of the printer/paper/ink and we are really only changing the RGB values that are mapped both inside and out of that gamut.  Still, the gamut won't really change so what you see in a gamut representation (3D map) won't change much if at all.

I use a LiDE 200 but any scanner with an LED light source is best.  I believe that leaves the Canon LiDE scanners and the Epson V500, V600 series.  Those are just the ones I am aware of so if you find others (maybe HP has some), just post here.


Thanks Mike.

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2014, 08:20:27 AM »

Hello Mike.

Following your recommendation I reprinted and rescaned all five Ilford papers I use, using an "LED" scanner, the Epson v500.

There are subtle differences in the 3D display of the colour profiles cf the older scans using the Epson 4990. Whether the differences are due to using the LED scanner and/or the more recent printing is not clear. Nevertheless I was happy with the "LED" generated output.

Since then I have regenerated all profiles using PP 8.41 and printed the same test image used in all the recent PP deliberations. I printed other images as well.

For my purposes, the PP 8.41 generated profiles are my choice over PP 8.0.   

I appreciate this further development of Profile Prism.



PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2014, 03:08:54 AM »

Hello Mike.

A suggestion for the next update of PP:

A button on the main PP screen that would load the scanned tiff file name (minus extension) into the ICM output text box and also into the description box. This would be very handy, save time and also eliminate accidental mixing of paper type and icm.



Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2014, 08:54:23 AM »

A button on the main PP screen that would load the scanned tiff file name (minus extension) into the ICM output text box and also into the description box. This would be very handy, save time and also eliminate accidental mixing of paper type and icm.

Yes!~  Yes Yes!
Oh Peter, I do this over and over, and could kick myself.

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2014, 09:30:16 AM »

A button on the main PP screen that would load the scanned tiff file name (minus extension) into the ICM output text box and also into the description box. This would be very handy, save time and also eliminate accidental mixing of paper type and icm.

Yes!~  Yes Yes!
Oh Peter, I do this over and over, and could kick myself.


Hello Fred.

Can we convince Mike to implement the function in the current release? Wouldn't take long.



Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2014, 09:38:16 AM »

Can we convince Mike to implement the function in the current release? Wouldn't take long.



I will try, but I know it will involve buying him lunch.
Can you cover the tip?

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2014, 10:25:10 AM »

Can we convince Mike to implement the function in the current release? Wouldn't take long.



I will try, but I know it will involve buying him lunch.
Can you cover the tip?



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