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Author Topic: Profile Prismn 8.43 resurrected  (Read 22479 times)
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« on: November 07, 2016, 01:10:25 PM »

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to relate a story that happened to me this week passed.

As you may have read in another post on the forum, my Epson R 2000 finally passed away
We had a wake for one day, followed by a Shiva for a day, and finally a Celebration of Life where we showed the good times from the printer.

But needed to replace it.
There was a terrific promotion in the US for the Canon 13" Pro- 100
I got it... Prints great, but I have packs and packs of Epson paper, many not opened yet.
The Epson paper was not thrilled with the Canon ink and printer.
What to do?

I must be honest, my profiling of the Epson R2000 never quite satisfied me. I ended up buying 3 profiles which were created with a Spectro, a professionally made profile using a MUNKI.
Oh, what the heck, can't lose anything but a sheet of paper; I'll give my Profile Prism another try.
So I pulled out my PP, (Profile Prism of course), and astonished myself with really great profiles.!!!

I even sent one profile to our Mike Chaney to compare to a Spectro made profile he made.
His profile beat mine by a Blond hair, but it is so close, hard to believe.

So why did I fail with the R2000 and yet it worked like a dream on the Canon?
The best educated guess seems to be that certain printer, paper, ink combos work better than others.
I believe that because I had good success with the R2000 profiles I made for Glossy Epson, and mediocre for Luster, and poor for Ultra presentation Matte.

The Epson papers I profiled using Profile Prism on my Canon Pro-100 came out great, and now I can use my stock of Epson paper at will.

** Just a note. I used a scanner that is built into the Epson Work Force 3640, and set it to No Color Adjustment, just like a Printer Driver.
That printer costs less than a scanner alone.
I was lazy and didn't want to pull the old Canon LIDE scanner out of the closet, and it worked perfectly.  Exposures were spot on.

Just wanted to share this story with you...

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