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Author Topic: Scrolling through clipped patches?  (Read 23823 times)
« on: May 06, 2017, 05:10:03 PM »

Hi guys,

I am an old member of these forums returning after 10+ years.
That it took me so long shows how good and troublefree Mike's software works  Smiley

After buying new computer gear and a new printer I also updated QImage and Profile Prism.
I am having a small problem with PP, I hope that you can help me out, or at least point me to something I am doing wrong or perhaps misunderstanding.
What I am wondering about is the "Scrolling through clipped patches" function in PP.

The manual reads:

To locate and scroll through the clipped patches on the target to view them, simply click on the "WARNING/Note: n patches are at minimum/maximum value..." message in the message box on the bottom of the window.

That seems not to work on my system.
The Prism target scan I made shows the message "Note: 3 patches marked with "X" are at minimum/maximum brightness" (I know, nothing to worry about, two are supposed to be there anyway so actually it is just one patch). When I click on that message nothing happens though.

FWIW: I am using Windows 10 Pro X64 version 1703 build 15063.250 AKA Creators Update.
Profile Prism version is 8.43

Am I the only one seeing this? Is it perhaps the Windows version I am using, a minor incompatibility between Creators Update and PP?

Thanks for any insights,

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2017, 06:45:08 PM »

To locate and scroll through the clipped patches on the target to view them, simply click on the "WARNING/Note: n patches are at minimum/maximum value..." message in the message box on the bottom of the window.

That seems not to work on my system.
The Prism target scan I made shows the message "Note: 3 patches marked with "X" are at minimum/maximum brightness" (I know, nothing to worry about, two are supposed to be there anyway so actually it is just one patch). When I click on that message nothing happens though.
Hi Herman,

I set about to repeat what you see.
First of all, if I got a report that three patches were X ... I would be happy as can be.  I have some paper types that defy profiling by scanner.
Now back to your question.
I only get the words WARNING/NOTE if there are a number of patches in the report.
With only three, it just says, NOTE: three patches .... blah blah..
I find there's nothing to click on to allow access to the patches... they are always visible for the scrolling.

Maybe it was clickable on previous old versions. Can't remember.'


« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2017, 08:29:08 PM »

Hi Fred,

Thank you for trying and for confirming my observation.
I know there is nothing to worry about when you have only three X patches (BTW: the number 3 is on the IT8 portion of the scan, the scan of the actual paper has a massive 2 X patches Smiley Smiley. I think the secret here is VueSCan, I had it combine 4 scans which resulted in these numbers).

Thanks again for your effort!

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