Hi guys,
I am an old member of these forums returning after 10+ years.
That it took me so long shows how good and troublefree Mike's software works

After buying new computer gear and a new printer I also updated QImage and Profile Prism.
I am having a small problem with PP, I hope that you can help me out, or at least point me to something I am doing wrong or perhaps misunderstanding.
What I am wondering about is the "Scrolling through clipped patches" function in PP.
The manual reads:
To locate and scroll through the clipped patches on the target to view them, simply click on the "WARNING/Note: n patches are at minimum/maximum value..." message in the message box on the bottom of the window.That seems not to work on my system.
The Prism target scan I made shows the message "Note: 3 patches marked with "X" are at minimum/maximum brightness" (I know, nothing to worry about, two are supposed to be there anyway so actually it is just one patch). When I click on that message nothing happens though.
FWIW: I am using Windows 10 Pro X64 version 1703 build 15063.250 AKA Creators Update.
Profile Prism version is 8.43
Am I the only one seeing this? Is it perhaps the Windows version I am using, a minor incompatibility between Creators Update and PP?
Thanks for any insights,