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Author Topic: Success  (Read 12937 times)
Posts: 8

« on: March 08, 2014, 02:43:02 AM »

I bought Profile Prism with considerable skepticism, that a software program, along with a scanner that I already owned (Epson V500) could provide results that could compete with a hardware solution.  I found it a little difficult to slog through instructions (though all the needed information seems to be there), but was finally able to get all scan settings correct. The instructions are good, but didn't seem to allow for my mediocre brain. At any rate, I finally got the profile completed, and reprinted a test image.  I was amazed at the improvement (for my Epson S/P 4900) and with how perfectly the images matched.  I didn't need to do any manual editing of the profile.  I was almost disappointed not to do the editing. I'm surprised, and pleased with the product.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2014, 09:57:28 AM »

I was almost disappointed not to do the editing. I'm surprised, and pleased with the product.

Wes (I guess)

Glad to hear you have great success making your own profiles with Profile Prism.   ME TOO!
I rarely if ever had to edit, but about half the time, I might do a -1 or a -2 on the Saturation slider.
I guess that has more to do with which paper you are profiling, and which printer.

You didn't say which paper you were working on, and that prompted me to reply.
I usually can improve upon the canned profiles that come with the printer, or the ones that Ilford offers on their site.
The only profile I have not been able to better is the 5 Star Epson Ultra premium Glossy...

Taming the scanner is usually the hard part. PP works flawlessly, and it's a lot of fun!!

Posts: 8

« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2014, 05:55:25 PM »


 I started with Ilford Premium Photo Pearl, because I have a lot of it, and like it.  I'll next try some of the other papers I use, such as the Epson Ultra Premium Lustre.  I'm assuming I'll be able to improve on most of the canned profiles, because I'm using Jon Cone's inks,  rather than the Epson inks.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2014, 08:04:43 PM »

I'll be able to improve on most of the canned profiles, because I'm using Jon Cone's inks,  rather than the Epson inks.
Technically speaking, The Epson canned profiles were made using Epson inks.
I am able to improve on the Ultra Prem Luster with Epson ink, you likely will get a really good match using your ink too.
Oh I have a few boxes of HP Advanced Glossy..my .. mess around paper... beautiful results from the profile Prism profile.
As far as I can tell, there are no canned profiles for that paper from HP

Have fun..


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