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Author Topic: What software when profiling an Epson 4490 Scanner  (Read 12095 times)
Posts: 29

« on: September 11, 2014, 01:32:31 PM »

Hi all

A quick question, "I Hope"

When profiling my Printers i use Vuescan software with my Epson 4490 Scanner and get excellent results.

What about when I Profile the scanner is vuescan still the way to go or should I just use Epson scan with the recommended setting, as unlike for Printer Profiling there is no mention of using Vuescan in the instructions.

If Vuescan is the way to go what settings should I use, the same as when printer profiling or something else.

Thank for any help with this


The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2014, 09:50:08 PM »

Hi Paul,
When profiling my Printers i use Vuescan software with my Epson 4490 Scanner and get excellent results.
I assume you mean you use the "raw" 48 bit scan from Vuescan scan as recommended  by PP.

What about when I Profile the scanner is vuescan still the way to go or should I just use Epson scan

I would always choose the Vuescan route.

If Vuescan is the way to go what settings should I use, the same as when printer profiling or something else.
It's more or less the same as for a printer profile except it only requires the IT8 target and some other settings may be different like Tone curve and WB setting - check the Help. I made a "raw" 48 bit image from VS to use with PP.

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