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Author Topic: Wolf Faust R1 vs RF target?  (Read 15529 times)
Posts: 7

« on: January 25, 2013, 01:28:54 AM »

Hi, my target unfortunately was misplaced. "Lucky me" it was a couple of years old, so I ordered two new ones from Wolf Faust (Prism uses the Wolf Faust R1 targets). I could of ordered from Mike, but that was 25$ and 30$ gave me two targets from WF.

The first target I ordered is the R1, printed on Kodak paper. This is the same type that is supplied with Profile Prism. The second type RF has the same size and layout but printed to Fuji paper. I figured I would try both to see if there were any differences. Maybe some papers will profile better with the RF target, depending on how my scanner reacts to it. Who knows? Smiley

Has anyone else ever tried these out of curiosity, like me?

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2013, 10:25:35 AM »

The first target I ordered is the R1, printed on Kodak paper. This is the same type that is supplied with Profile Prism. The second type RF has the same size and layout but printed to Fuji paper. I figured I would try both to see if there were any differences. Maybe some papers will profile better with the RF target, depending on how my scanner reacts to it. Who knows?

Has anyone else ever tried these out of curiosity, like me?


Hi Charles.

Profile Prism has been using IT-8 (sort of a celluloid acetate) target for many years. Probably more than 5 years for sure.

Mike stopped using the cardboard Kodak type for a number of reasons, including fading, and not holding up physically.

I know for sure, you should be using the IT-8 target, but maybe the old Kodak will work,
I just do not know if Profile Prism is calibrated to for the Kodak any more.
We will have to ask Mike.
I just looked it up.... IT-8s were shipped with PP starting in 2003....

The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2013, 11:24:51 AM »

Fred, Charles
Profile Prism has been using IT-8 (sort of a celluloid acetate) target for many years
Mike stopped using the cardboard Kodak type
I'm pretty sure the PP IT8 targets are from Wolfe Faust and are Kodak, but definitely not cardboard.
I had a couple of new Kodak ones from WF a few months ago, they are on a film-like material as Fred said.
I decided to stick with the Kodak version as they were a little cheaper (but very good price from WF) but I don't see any reason why the Fuji version could not be used providing its calibration data is loaded into PP.
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2013, 10:15:39 PM »

My version of pp (purchased August 2005) has a an IT.87.2-1993 target -printed on Kodak Professional Paper - made by Wolf Faust (www.coloraid.de) .I've not used it much recently, and it lives in the original packaging, in the dark, and still looks fine to me - although appearances can be deceptive  Wink

Best wishes,

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