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Author Topic: 4x6 inch prints with white border??? Samsung RAW files?  (Read 23899 times)
Posts: 12

« on: September 23, 2011, 12:01:58 AM »

This is making me a little mental...
All of the tutorials show folks adding multiple images to an 8 x 10 sheet.  I don't want that.
I simply want to print single images on 4x6 paper (Epson r2400 with epson paper) and have a white border of about 1/4 inch on the long edge of the print for various aspect ratios files (Nikon vs. iPhone vs. Samsung TL500 cameras)
I've used the "Size/Loc." tab of the full page editor to accomplish this for, say, a Nikon .NEF image (AR=1.5), but then when I load an image from the Samsung camera (AR=1.3), I'm back to no borders.
Please help!  How do I make a preset that always makes a 1/4" white border on the long edge of the 4 x 6 paper (reduces image size WITHOUT cropping), regardless of the aspect ratio of the image.

Also, Qimage Studio (v 2010.210) does not show thumbnails for RAW files from my Samsung TL500 camera (.SRW files).

I love Qimage's quality, but I need a little help....

thanks in advance.
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2011, 12:44:06 AM »

Not quite sure if this sort of does what you want. It depends on the area you can print over, compared to size of paper, so you may need to go borderless in the printer driver. You don't want to crop, so make sure crop scissors are off, drag template to layout page, and set size to 3.5 by 5.5, and centre it (there is a button which gives layout choices (3rd from lhs, below layout page) you may want to manually adjust it, if printer requires uneven margins. Select custom page size, set to 3.5 by 5.5, auto crop off, no borders, unlock auto rotate, apply settings. Add images in the normal way.

All you have to do is play around with these settings, as I've just done, it seems to work OK. I expect if you try, you can it exactly the way you want it, so then save and recall the job as required.

Best wishes,

Fred A
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« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2011, 10:05:07 AM »

I put the link below to the camera models that Qimage Ultimate covers at the present time.

The list gets up dated with new camera models perhaps, twice a year.


I simply want to print single images on 4x6 paper (Epson r2400 with epson paper) and have a white border of about 1/4 inch on the long edge of the print for various aspect ratios files (Nikon vs. iPhone vs. Samsung TL500 cameras)

Good morning,
Let's take this slowly for my sake.
The first point to make as Ray touched on, is that 4 x 6 paper on an Epson 2400 allows a print of 5.766x 3.766. You cannot get 4 x 6 without borderless, so we settle for a little smaller size print.
You want to have one long side of the print *always* have a 1/4 in margin.
Ray had the answer, but I will lay it out since I am looking at the driver of the r 2400 it is easier.

I set the paper size in the driver to 4 x 6.
Go to the Page Formatting (In Studio) menu and select page margins.
In the bottom set, *add* -.11. Close it

Set the crop scissor to ON.
I opened Qimage Custom size box and selected SPECIFY ONE DIMENSION.
I ticked SHORT SIDE because that lets me control how much white space I'll have on the long side where you want the 1/4 inch
I (trial and error method) typed in 3.75.
Now I went to the last thumbnail (Template) and placed it into the queue.  See snap

Now open the Full Page Editor and use the down arrow key on the keyboard enough clicks to get the bottom margin to read zero. See two snaps, before arrow keys, and after.
Now the top one reads .25. See screen snaps.

Close the Full Page Editor screen, and go to FILE SAVE on the main screen and click the "L" button for Layout. Give it a name to remember, and SAVE.

All done!

Now, when you want to use the layout, you simply open Print property size and select Custom. Put a dot in LAYOUT, click OK.
Select your named layout from the list.
Qimage will open the screen with your layout all made. Add any image and it will have a 1/4 margin on the top long side, and zero for the bottom long side.
If the crop scissor is on, any image, regardless of aspect ratio, will fill the template.

I hope that's what you wanted.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 10:08:06 AM by Fred A » Logged
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2011, 08:24:37 PM »

My interpretation of your requirements is that you want a 0.25" white border on BOTH long sides.
You don't need to use borderless as I explain now.
Assuming a landscape format, the height of the print is 3.5" and with a 3:2 image, not cropped. the width will be 5.25" - Thus there will be white borders on the short edges too! That is well within the normal printable width, borderless NOT set.
Repeating some of what Fred said and not bothering to create a template.
In Qimage, set the paper size to 6x4 Landscape
Crop scissors OFF
Use Custom size, Custom size box and selected SPECIFY ONE DIMENSION, tick SHORT SIDE because that lets me control how much white space I'll have on the long side where you want the 1/4 inch.
Set this to 3.5".
I suggest you now save this as a Print set up for future use.
Add images the the queue, hey presto, done.
See screen shots attached showing the Page preview and Full Page Editor data for both a 3:2 and 4:3 image.
I hope they are clear enough to see the dimensions. Ignore the page size on the 1st image (hard to see anyway), it is in fact 5.766 x 3.766".
From what Fred said & the above, hopefully that'll get you what you want.  Cheesy
« Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 08:34:13 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Posts: 12

« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2011, 11:38:40 PM »

Wow, I really appreciate you guys taking the time to respond in such length and detail.  Makes me appreciate Qimage (and community) that much more!

Terry-M's fix is right on the money.  I should have said that I wanted a 1/4" border on both of the long sides of the print.  SPECIFY ONE DIMENSION for the short side REALLY did the trick.
I apologize for the frantic tone of my original post....it was late and I was frustrated...!

As for viewing RAW files from my Samsung TL-500 camera:  it's the same as the Samsung EX-1 (EX-1 is the European model), but I guess I need Qimage Ultimate to get the RAW capability for it.  I have Studio 2010.210 which must not support the camera.

Thanks to all again!!!!

Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2011, 01:42:14 AM »

Hi Dan,

The EX1 is listed  on http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u/tech-raw.htm so you could download the trial version of Ultimate and see if it works for your camera. Mike has stated he will be updating studio biannually wrt OS and new cameras, and since it was last updated in February, then I would expect an update to studio soon, to include the new cameras.

Best wishes,

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