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Author Topic: crashing  (Read 20444 times)
Posts: 25

« on: December 05, 2010, 03:22:52 AM »

Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem and any insight as to what may be causing it.

This is a very intermittent problem that has followed me over three computer and I have spent many hours over the years trying to trouble shoot it.  I cannot remember what version this started with but has continued for 2 - 3 years through all subsequent releases.

Essentially the problem is that suddenly, when I go into the full page editor, the photo doesn't load and the program crashes (gets a generic message that the program stopped responding and closes down).

To regain use of the editor (the program will continue to work in other functions when I restart it but crash if I try to open the editor), I have tried a lot of things but none work consistently.

Nor am I able to reproduce the problem at will.  My guess is that it's been almost 5 months since the last time I had this crash (that is - previous to the current crash - this is probably the 3rd or 4th time it's happened this year)

Here's what I did this time:  First I opened Ultimate to see if it was effected.  Nope - it printed everything perfectly.  Maybe Ultimate has this problem too in the long run but I hardly use it so it has never received the workouts that I put Studio through.

Then I opened studio normally - still crashed in the editor

Then I reset studio - still crashed.

Then I rebooted the machine and reset studio - still crashed.

Then I rebooted the machine and uninstalled studio.

Then I downloaded a new copy of studio and installed - still crashed

Then I rebooted, reset the new copy and everything worked.

It is currently working and performing flawlessly as every other time after I had this crash.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2010, 10:33:37 AM »

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

I am not sure what you mean by Reset.
Do I take it that you go to HELP in Qimage and click RESET ALL?

Next time, I would close Qimage, and restart it by holding down the SHIFT key while you click your icon to open Qimage.
It sounds like a corrupted ini file that is saving itself over and over.
Which version of Windows?
When you reinstall, are you using a saved install EXE file or are you downloading a fresh copy from the download site.
Also try disabling your anti virus during the download of the fresh copy and installing process.
Posts: 25

« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2010, 06:04:30 PM »

Hi Fred,

After Studio crashes and you start it again, there is a dialog box that says that Qimage didn't shut down properly and you are given 2 choices: Start normally or Reset to original specs. 

Never tried holding the shift key down when starting though I suspect that it's the same as the reset as when I just tried it, I get the same tutorial message and the program is, well - reset - to original specs.

Currently I'm running win 7 64 w/12 gigs mem.  The other machines it happened on were running XP pro - both w/4 gigs mem.

This time, I downloaded a fresh copy but I've done it both ways with no difference.

This time, I did not shut off anti-virus but have in the past with no difference.

This is a tough one - especially since it's intermittent and I cannot reproduce it.  I used to think it was a memory problem and was shocked when it happen on my current rig.  I'm also amazed that uninstalling and reinstalling a fresh copy did not immediately quell the problem.

In the current situation, I had created two different crops in the image editor from a multi-layered tiff.  I then went to the full page editor to add some text and printed the full image (not the crops).  Then I went back to the full page editor to add text to the crops and that's when it crashed.

I then printed the crops with Ultimate.  When I got Studio going again, I tried the crops again in the full page editor and it worked fine.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2010, 06:42:26 PM »

When I got Studio going again, I tried the crops again in the full page editor and it worked fine.
I also find a mystery here.
The fact that you have a new machine implies that you did a clean install of both Qimages. That begs the question, Have you been carrying forward, copying,  all the saved jobs, setups, filters, etc from the original install on the original machine?
There has to be something that is common to all three machines/installations.
I run a Studio and an Ultimate. They share the same folders and all the common files containing old stuff created since the beginning of time.
I would suggest that you copy all the folders that you see in the attached screen snap to a safe location, and then delete all those yellow folders.
Reinstall Qimage Ultimate which should make a new set of folders,,, all nice and clean.
You can put the Raw Cache folder back since that is used by Ultimate only, and you stated that it crashed even with Studio.
Then play Sherlock Holmes and convince yourself that it no longer happens.
Then add the contents of one of those old folders at a time until you  return the problem.
Investigate that folder...
As Sherlock has said, "How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"


Posts: 25

« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2010, 08:12:01 PM »

Thanks Fred!!

Everything was fresh on this machine (which I got back in Jan). I did not carry anything over from the old machine.  Ultimate, of course, wasn't out then. 

If this is only happening to me - then yes - there HAS to be something common between the three machines.  What that is and why the steps to get it working again are not consistent is a real brain teaser. 

If I was only able to reproduce it. But so far, I cannot detect any commonality in file types, programs opened, time of day or phase of the moon. 

Don't have time right now to play with the folders (not sure if it will make a difference since this was a hundred percent fresh install on my current machine) but, so far, it has only effected studio. Ultimate works fine, though as I mentioned, it doesn't get the use that studio does - maybe 90% - 95% studio and 5% - 10% ultimate.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2010, 08:51:11 PM »

That's all that I can come up with.... three different machines, different OS, fresh clean installations... and teh problem appeared from time to time on all three, plus sometimes in Ultimate and sonetimes in Studio.
Perhaps professor Moriarty can think of something.
I'll ask around, but I have to admit, I am stumped.
Posts: 25

« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2010, 05:22:12 AM »

yah - you and me both -- I'm pretty stumped by this too.  I just spent the last 15 minutes trying to get it to fail.  Huge files, small files, jpgs, gifs, psds, tiffs, pngs, opened a few memory hog programs to load memory -- nothing - everything worked fine.  Which is the history I've had with this problem.  That's why I'm here - hoping for some fresh ideas.

One thing about the hold shift and open program that is different than the reset.  When I tried it, it changed my thumbnails to file list only - something I've never seen happen before so maybe it does things a bit differently than reset.  It will be the first thing I try the next time it fails. 

Thanks again for the input!! If you think of anything else, please let me know!
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2010, 10:32:48 AM »

It will be the first thing I try the next time it fails. 

You made me think of something.
It's a stretch because you didn't mention the upper right preview panel giving any problem, but I want to ask, In the Full Page Editor screen, what is your setting for viewing the images in Full Page Editor?
Usually we use THUMBS/SMALL IMAGES, which makes all the images visible with no load time.
Change that to All Images.   (If it was all images, change to Thumbs Small)
All images will cause Qimage to load the actual image instead of the Thumbnail image.

See if that changes anything.

Posts: 25

« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2010, 03:55:39 PM »

Never had a problem with the preview panel.  The settings in the editor is set for Thumbs/small images.  I changed it to All images and threw some very large files at to see if it would crash - nope - working fine.  Doesn't seem to make a difference - even in loading time.  But that's an interesting thought and I'll definitely add it to my bag of tricks for future diagnosis!
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