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Author Topic: Floating Text Properties  (Read 18257 times)
PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« on: July 17, 2009, 03:45:40 AM »

Hello Mike et al,

Referring to floating text usage

From within the Floating Text Properties window I'm wondering if it is possible to use a "Special Text" code to automatically insert the current date and the printed H x W dimensions of the associated image. The options presented in the window don't include what I am referring to but I'm hoping I'm missing something!




Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2009, 09:46:54 AM »

From within the Floating Text Properties window I'm wondering if it is possible to use a "Special Text" code to automatically insert the current date and the printed H x W dimensions of the associated image. The options presented in the window don't include what I am referring to but I'm hoping I'm missing something!

I think it's already in there unless I misunderstood your question.
There are 21 of them all preset, including the size and ISO as one set, ($r), but the date turns out to be the date the image was shot.
The only way I could get the current date (today's date) was to use the IPTC in Qimage and edit in the current date as a keyword.
It's easy and will edit a large batch at one click.
Then in floating text, I asked to have it print the IPTC keyword and it worked.
The only problem I encountered was the fact that RAW files are not subject to IPTC, so you need to be printing from a JPG or a TIF to get the keyword thing to work.
Curiosity makes me ask: why would you need today's date on the print.
You do have it recorded in the Qimage print log file if needed later?
Maybe Mike can help.

Hope something helps.

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2009, 10:19:17 AM »

I think it's already in there unless I misunderstood your question.
There are 21 of them all preset, including the size and ISO as one set, ($r), but the date turns out to be the date the image was shot.
The only way I could get the current date (today's date) was to use the IPTC in Qimage and edit in the current date as a keyword.
It's easy and will edit a large batch at one click.
Then in floating text, I asked to have it print the IPTC keyword and it worked.
The only problem I encountered was the fact that RAW files are not subject to IPTC, so you need to be printing from a JPG or a TIF to get the keyword thing to work.
Curiosity makes me ask: why would you need today's date on the print.
You do have it recorded in the Qimage print log file if needed later?
Maybe Mike can help.

Hope something helps.

Thanks Fred.

Unfortunately the "$r" returns the pixel dimensions and not my required actual (to be) printed height and width in cm/mm/inches.

I want the current date because it will specify the "Date Printed".

Both of these parameters can be hand edited but it would be nice to have them automated.



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