Hi John,
I do not like to over-process my files
Me and a few others here too
Would some one stickie a primer of a workflow using Qimage as the sole tool?
You could start here
http://ddisoftware.com/tech/qimage/qimage-raw-processing-a-guide/That will start you off with the raw processing and section 8 "Next Steps" gives you a clue as to what can be done next.
Really, you may find that you rarely need any other software in view of the first quote above.
If I wanted to export (and re-import for printing) to NIK Silver Effects how can I do that? how can I do that?
That's easy too.
First set NIK Silver Effects as your Photo Editor in the Utilities menu. When you want to use that program, convert the raw image to a tif or jpeg by placing it in the queue, right click & select convert. Then right click on the converted image thumbnail and select Send to Photo Editor. The NIK program will open with the image, do your edits, and save or save-as. When you go back to Q, click the "OK when finished editing" and Q will refresh the thumbs - done.
Hope that helps