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Author Topic: HELP WITH DBL WEIGHT MATTE PROFILE  (Read 15549 times)
« on: September 20, 2010, 04:05:45 AM »

 ???I have been printing all weekend with no issues using Epson Velvet Somerset and Exhibition Fiber paper as well - all came out beautifully.  Then I ran a job with about 16 8 x 10's on a roll of Epson Doubleweight Matte Paper- and they look awful!  After my first run, I noticed I still had the profile set for the Somerset Velvet - I reset the profile for the Dbl wgt Matte and ran it again and it came out the same way - most of these are old vintage black and whites of my hometown and they all came out sepia toned and the few colored images were really muddy looking. 

Now, my question is - if I recall a job and its images, and then change the profile will it still print the same crappy way, or will it accept the new profile.  Since this is what I did and got the same results was wondering if that could be the problem.  I also ran a third run (but just one row this time) and cleared the que and entered the images one by one - and still got the sepia tone. 

I am using Epson 9880, Qimage Studio2009 v.268 and profiles for the DBL Wgt Matte are DWMP_ PK, Printer settings for Media is "Double Weight Matte paper"  Any suggestions??


The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2010, 07:59:33 AM »

Now, my question is - if I recall a job and its images, and then change the profile will it still print the same crappy way, or will it accept the new profile.
Yes it is "accepted", what ever profile is set shows in the Job Properties, right there on the main screen, not hidden in any way.
You could check the basics again:
DWMP_ PK is the correct profile from the Epson web site.
Double Weight Matte paper is definitely set in the driver along with No Colour Adjustment.
There are no nozzle blockages.

Have you used this paper & profile before with B&W and colour, were the results ok.?

Tip for the future: Save Printer Set-up's for paper/printer combinations so that the correct profile and driver settings can be re-called in one step; no forgetting to set the correct profile then.  Roll Eyes

I'm sure there are no issued related to  Q-SE 2009 v268 but why don't you upgrade to the latest 2010 v209?

« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2010, 12:39:34 PM »

Thanks Terry, I have used this paper successfully in the past.  It has been a while, but at the time I printed a black and white with color background and it came out beautifully.  This was before I had this amazing software, but I believe there is a job log of some kind somewhere in the Epson program.  I can look tonight and see if there is anything different than used yesterday. 

One other thing that I forgot to mention - the settings from yesterday show the rendering was set on RC as opposed to Perceptual that I normally use.  Would this have any effect?  Before printing I also did the colorspace override for the whole batch to Adobe RGB 1998 - as I do with all of my prints.

Two of my ink carts are pretty low, but I am pretty sure that the Epson panel will let me know if there is not enough of those colors to complete the print?  I have the carts, just don't want to use until I have to. 

Thanks again, and if anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know.  I am scurrying to prepare for a local festival and need my prints to look their best.  After that I will try the upgrade you suggested.

Have a great day!
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2010, 01:19:29 PM »


It seems to me you got a satisfactory print before you had qimage with that paper. For all I know you may have had it on some default printer setting. In any case, there is not much point in recalling another job from qimage, and expect it to work with that paper. Probably just as quick to start from scratch. Try to get the colours right with part of one print, to save time, etc. Make a note of your driver settings, but first do a nozzle check, of course. Rendering intent can make a difference, so can a mix up between adobe rgb and srgb, and of course double profiling. Also, with some papers/some subjects, it may be worth adjusting the epson driver to lay down less ink - not sure on your printer driver where that may be - if you have a paper config. tab, look in there, and while in there check the other settings too. It is not just a case of using the correct icc  profile, you need to set things up as for when the profile was made, etc.

Best wishes,

« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2010, 02:57:54 PM »

Thanks Ray, I will check all of the settings you mentioned when I can get back to my printer.  I have made satisfactory prints with this media in the past using Qimage (the one that I noticed had the rendering set differntly) - but unfortunately, it was a black and white that was intended to be sepia tone.   This is not paper that I use frequently, but I do recall that I printed some posters of my logo using Qimage for another exhibit. 

Oh well, looks like I will just have to start over. 

Thanks for your help.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2010, 03:58:55 PM »

Before printing I also did the colorspace override for the whole batch to Adobe RGB 1998 - as I do with all of my prints.
Just puzzled why you do this?
You would only do this if you KNOW the colour space is Adobe RGB and the image does not have an embedded profile or the exif tagged.
Without either of those Qimage will default to sRGB.

One other suggestion, as you successfully printed with this paper before and you have Qimage set to log all jobs (default), you should be able to recall it to check your settings. The job log has a search facility you can enter the file name, or date etc. to find it. In the Recall Job window, click the Job Log Folder icon at the top and then search using the binoculars icon.
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2010, 05:50:39 PM »

Hey Terry, that all sounds like a good plan - but I don't believe Qimage would save a job file that I ran before I installed Qimage.  The one job that I did pull up that was ran on that media was intended to be sepia tone - so that would not be much help.  The other image that I spoke about that I know had B&W and color in the same image was before installing Qimage.  Then the other I mentioned about the logo posters I THINK was after installing Qimage, but I am not certain of this.  That is why I will need to wait until I get home tonight to check that job log.  I agree it is a very useful tool.

Sorry to have mentioned something before I was certain of it, but I do not want to appear ungrateful by not responding promtply to your replies. 

As for the question regarding colorspace - I open all my files in PS before printing - and I always convert colorspace to Adobe RGB 1998.  BUT - I work with so many versions of the same image that it is possible that I may have missed this step, and I started doing this as a precaution after running a print on the Somerset and it came out muddy looking.  After reading the user guide I thought that might be the problem and went back to Qimage and did the override and it printed perfectly. So, this is just a precaution on my part - although it may be unnecessary.

I have never had it cause a problem before, but I am just a part timer and do not have a lot of experience with color space issues - so please tell me if there is some reason to stop doing this.

Thanks for your help.
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2010, 03:02:51 AM »

OK - I searched further for files with keyword "DWMP" and found one I did in December, but were just test prints before printing the final one on another paper.  I had several versions of this job in there and not knowing if they delivered the desired results I looked at the printer settings for each one and found that the ICC profile is DWMP_PK, but I set the Media type in the printer properties as Enhanced Matte Poster Board - even though Doubleweight Matte Paper is also listed. 

Now, I seem to recall that somewhere I read or was told to use the Enhanced Matte Poster Board media type even though the 9880 manual shows to use the DoubleWeight Matte Paper setting.  I have printed a few of the same ones from last night and they look great - now I can finish the others.  Just hate that I wasted 10 ft of 36" paper!!

Thanks to all that participated in my solution.
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