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Author Topic: Installation Problems  (Read 19209 times)
Posts: 13

« on: July 19, 2009, 12:09:24 AM »

As after Micorsoft's latest vulnerabilty announcement, my IT consultant did a review and noted that my user account also had admin status and recommended that all programs be run a user status with limited rights.  I have now spent the better part of two days to run as recommended.  I tried an install under Admin user and could not get it to work with my own user ID.  Finally today I installed it under my User ID with admin status and then use the shift/advance in properties to make the selection to allow it to run with another user status.  I can now run it under my user ID if I select the option to login and run Qimage with Admin status.

However, when I try to go from my DAM software, IDImager, to Qimage to edit and print, I cannot access Qimage...I get a Micorsoft error message.

Given the the risks lurking in cyberspace, I cannot ignore the warnings about runing with admin status on a daily basis with my limited user account.  Even though I have backups, I cannot afford the the time cost if I get hacked.

Is there a way to over come my problem....did I overlook something obvious in the install?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2009, 12:11:43 AM by FriendOfFrodo » Logged

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2009, 04:46:39 PM »

The proper way to install any software under a limited user account is to elevate that user's privileges, install the software, and then return the user's privileges to normal (limited).  If you install under a different (admin) account and then try to run the software as the limited user, you'll often have trouble because Windows will create the software folders and files and admin will own those folders/files.  Then when you switch to the limited user, he/she cannot modify or delete things like work files because the limited user doesn't own them.

Anyway, I ramble.  For Qimage, the solution would be to use an account with admin privileges, uninstall Qimage and actually delete the Qimage installation and app data folders (usually \program files\qimage and either \programdata\ddisoftware\qimage for Vista or \documents and settings\all users\ddisoftware\qimage for XP).  Then elevate your limited user to admin and install as that user, returning his/her privileges back to normal after the install.

Posts: 13

« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2009, 08:06:21 PM »


Thanks for your reply. I finally solved the problem this morning before I got around to checking my email.

My problem was I was using the top level documents&settings/applicationss data/allusers path.  The light finally went on and I installed into the my user level applications data folder and now all is well.  My IDimager can see Qimage with no problems.

This is a great relief because Qimage is the centerpiece of my new workflow. The latest MS vulnerabiltiy announcement shocked me into applying Peter Krogh recommendations clean up my "DAM" act.

With Qimage, I can edit and print from any catalog level and with Albums and Jobs I can deliver repeat orders without having to go to my catalogs.

Again, thanks.


Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2009, 02:07:00 PM »

BTW, I believe that vulnerability announcement affects only XP and Server 2003 OS's.  MS has also released associated patches to fix the problem:


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