The short answer is yes

In the Editor (Batch Filter in the old terminology), go to File, Save Current Parameters to File and name your file so you can recall it easily.
There are several ways to recall & use the filter that has been created.
1.In the Editor, File, Open Filter Parameters from File - it will automatically open the saved filters folder.
2. Select one or a group of thumbnails, right click and choose Predefined Filter ...
3. Select a group of images in the queue and again right click to choose Predefined Filter ...
4. Set your filter as a Global filter by ticking the G box in Job properties, select your filter when prompted
5. Set your filter as Print filter, tick the P box in job properties, and select your filter when prompted. This filter will not show on the image on-screen, it's effect will only show on the finished print. You would need to make sure you have not double filtered. With this method, you can save it with a Saved Print Set-up and therefore have different filters for different papers etc.
I'm sure the above will cover your requirements.

I'd still recommend upgrading to Qimage Ultimate because it has numerous improvements, including in the editor with "Tone Targeted Sharpening", print interpolation with "Fusion", improved colour management engine, raw processing, etc etc. All future improvements will be applied to QU only, the other editions are now "retired".