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Author Topic: List Out of Bounds (-1)  (Read 15077 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 322

« on: September 04, 2009, 06:02:00 PM »


I keep getting this lockup.  I can Ctrl-F a file and save the attached edit.  When I go to load it into the print queue, I get List Out of Bounds (-1), the spinning circle (hour glass) and "Working" down in the print queue.  It stays that way, though it does not go to Not Responding.  I CAN close w/o task mgr.

Re-install time?

This is Win 7, 4GB, 2GHz, Core 2 Duo.



<CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
Sr. Member
Posts: 322

« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2009, 11:13:54 PM »

Hmm, replying to yourself is like writing to no one on Twitter  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

All the hullabaloo with Pipeline locks (probably why this didn't get a response) got me thinking.  So, I set the QISE compatibility to Vista (SP2).  So far the problem has disappeared.

For now I'll state: QISE is not totally compatible with WIN7 Ultimate 32-bit.  The plus side is it runs faster this way!!

<CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2009, 03:55:15 PM »

Hmm, replying to yourself is like writing to no one on Twitter  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

All the hullabaloo with Pipeline locks (probably why this didn't get a response) got me thinking.  So, I set the QISE compatibility to Vista (SP2).  So far the problem has disappeared.

For now I'll state: QISE is not totally compatible with WIN7 Ultimate 32-bit.  The plus side is it runs faster this way!!

Better wait until Windows 7 is actually out.  It might be that the beta version of Windows 7 you are running has a problem.  I won't respond to any Windows 7 queries until Windows 7 is officially released in about a month.  Well, I mean I won't respond other than saying I won't respond.  Wink

Sr. Member
Posts: 322

« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2009, 06:11:37 PM »

Oh, I totally understand.  No sense pulling out hair before you need to do so.  Heck, this RC may be Microsoft's OS/2 and we know how that went.

<CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
Posts: 2

« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2009, 06:54:51 PM »

Hi Mike

Windows 7 is out and released. Enterprise users, Action Pack subscribers, Technet subscribers all have the final version. It's only logistics preventing it being out in the public marketplace. The version out there is the same as the boxed version will be.

It will have a fast pickup. All the IT people who slated Vista are very enthusiastic about 7 so expect a lot of users and soon.

BTW does Qimage run in 64 bit?

Fred A
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« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2009, 07:42:07 PM »

Sure does run in 64 bit Vista...
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2009, 12:23:36 AM »

Hi Mike

Windows 7 is out and released. Enterprise users, Action Pack subscribers, Technet subscribers all have the final version. It's only logistics preventing it being out in the public marketplace. The version out there is the same as the boxed version will be.

It will have a fast pickup. All the IT people who slated Vista are very enthusiastic about 7 so expect a lot of users and soon.

BTW does Qimage run in 64 bit?


On the contrary, Windows 7 is not "out and released".  Windows 7 is not "official" until October 22 when it is generally available (GA) to the public.  RTM (released to manufacturing) versions are neither final nor "released" and when the general public installs Windows 7 on October 22, they can expect patches to already be in the pipeline.

Furthermore, 90% of the people who talk about Windows 7 are running an RC (release candidate) which is far from finished.

Either way, I don't plan to support Windows 7 until it is released and it is not being released until October 22.

Sr. Member
Posts: 322

« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2009, 05:02:04 PM »

On the contrary, Windows 7 is not "out and released".  Windows 7 is not "official" until October 22 when it is generally available (GA) to the public.  RTM (released to manufacturing) versions are neither final nor "released" and when the general public installs Windows 7 on October 22, they can expect patches to already be in the pipeline.

Furthermore, 90% of the people who talk about Windows 7 are running an RC (release candidate) which is far from finished.


I agree with you totally.  Even with the current patches and the Technet it is not "ready."  In fact, RTM will probably be more like a final RC for a month or so. 

There are still a lot of funky things going on.  My main machine is still Vista and I do constant Acronis backups on the RC system.

<CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
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