On further investigation it would appear that the file info is missing when printing to my epson 7600 but are present when printing to my konicaMinolta 5430dl A4 laser printer. Any suggestions?
The file info is obtained from the EXIF information buried in the image header, so I wouldn't look at the 7600 as the culprit unless you have selected borderless prints.
After you check the box for INFO, go to the Full Page Editor and see if you see the text under the image in the margin.
If so that should print.
One more thing to look at.
With the images in the queue, and the print size set as you wish, you can see the print size in the lower left corner box called the queue. That will be sent to the printer.
If you then check the info box, you will see the print size change as adding the text will add a few hundredths to the print.
You can tick that info on and off watching the print size change. Then you can believe it is being sent to the printer.
PS what size prints on what size paper?