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Author Topic: Print to file  (Read 13075 times)
Posts: 40

« on: November 11, 2009, 08:15:38 PM »

I use Qmiage for all my printing to my ink jet printers with great success.  Lately there are may jobs that can be done at Costco at less cost and very good quality.  It seems that the obvious answer is to use "Print to File" to get all the advantages of Qimage in the files to send to Costco.

I can, and have, downloaded printer profiles for the Costco printers in my area.  To get the best results, the files need to be converted to the Costco specific printer profile and Qimage does that very well when saving the file.

On the surface, it seems that this should solve the problem, but there are some problems:
1.  There is no way to print to file without specifying a page size.  The Costco printers don't want a page size to start with -- you select that later 0n.  They want a 300 ppi file at the size specified.

2.  The entire page layout, including borders, is written to the file.  What is needed, is to write the file to file with just the image data only.  I tried to print to file using borderless prints, but I still get a white border around the data.

Other applications like Lightroom and Photoshop allow you to convert an image to a profile and save it.  That has worked very well for me, but I'm making a presentation  about color management and would like to feature Qimage as an application that can be used to send color corrected files to outside print labs.

Is it possible to just write the file data alone using "Print to File?"
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2009, 10:38:42 PM »

Is it possible to just write the file data alone using "Print to File?"
There is no way to print to file without specifying a page size.  The Costco printers don't want a page size to start with -- you select that later 0n.  They want a 300 ppi file at the size specified.
PPI is pixels per inch so there is no way you can have the 300 without the inches.
The entire page layout, including borders, is written to the file.  What is needed, is to write the file to file with just the image data only.  I tried to print to file using borderless prints, but I still get a white border around the data.
You can't possibly select borderless if you are using PTF properly.
1. Go to the the File menu, select Print To ... and File.
2. Enter the print size requires and 300ppi. Choose "Printer (place dot) ... use Printer icc and Print Sharpening" and OK.
3. Now go on the main screen, bottom right click the blue printer icc dot and browse to the Cosco profile required, make sure "Embed icc profiles" at the bottom of the window is ticked and OK.
4. Place your images in the queue with Fit to Page set and the Crop Scissors on (a must!); adjust the print crop as required. Make sure there are no borders set.
5. Print the images and choose the location and file naming as required when prompted, done.
This is covered in the Help-Index-Learn By Example 25a
Hope that gets you on your way,
Posts: 40

« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2009, 01:56:00 AM »

Thanks!  Worked just fine!

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