« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2011, 09:59:35 PM » |
I would like to add that when i go into the Full Page Editor I can see that the image measure 16 across on the Ruler at the top. So why is it printing smaller than that? This is so annoying, let alone costly.
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2011, 10:20:35 PM » |
Hi Jules, Here is a link to a screen shot, I hope you can see that the overall image is 16 x 12" but it prints smaller. I can see from your screen shot that the queue data says 16 x 12.12. If that's what it says, that is what Qimage is sending to the driver. I suggest you check your driver settings as there may be some form of scaling set there which is reducing the print size. Terry
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2011, 06:55:00 AM » |
I agree, it does say 12.12 which is not right, but that is not what is being produced from the printer either. Where can these printer driver settings you mentioned be checked? I print successfully all the time and am not aware of having changed anything.
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2011, 07:25:15 AM » |
Hi Jules, Where can these printer driver settings you mentioned be checked? You'll need to tell us which printer it is then it's possible someone will have the driver to tell you in detail. You can explore the driver settings too! I realise you are upset at having some reject prints, but it's difficult to follow from your 1st post what all the facts are. It is always helpful to quote printer, paper/page size, print size, printable area as reported by Qimage, and a screen shot that is easy to read! The other thing worth trying is, from Help, to Reset Printer Settings and then start again setting up Qimage and your driver from Qimage. Terry
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 07:35:30 AM by Terry-M »
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2011, 10:47:54 AM » |
Jules, Fred just noticed something else from your screen shot - he e-mailed me - we co-operate  The driver resolution shown above the page preview seems to show 349 x 349 ppi. For an Epson printer, without finest detail checked in the driver, it should be 360ppi. This shows there is something set in the driver that is reducing the print size. BTW. with finest detail checked in the driver, the printer resolution becomes 720ppi - even better quality  Edit OK. solved your 12.12 problem: from the screen shot, you have Info ticked which puts text below the print. That is reflected in the print size - it takes space on the paper and Qimage allows for that. Terry
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 10:54:27 AM by Terry-M »
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2011, 11:05:07 AM » |
Terry, thank you for your help. After asking what the driver setting were I realised that was a silly question, my brain wasn't working that early in the morning. Anyway I did check the printer settings and sure enough in there it said something about printing at 97%. Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to get back to recreate this setting. It was something to do with printing full page or not I think (I am using an Epson 4800 by the way). How this got changed I have no idea. I print two or three days a week using A4, A3, A3+ and A2 papers and print images 6x8, 10x8, 9.25x12, 19x12, 20x16 etc etc and never have a problem. I save print setups and reuse them sometimes. I am the only one to use my PC and Qimage so how this got changed I just don't know. Anyway, thanks for your quick help and pointing me in the right direction. I know have another little question that has just come up this morning. I have 4 pre sized 12x16" images in a folder in Q. I highlight one and hit the drop down size box. 12x18 is in bold blue, 3x4 and 6x8 (all sizes I have set up) are in regular blue. This is fine and what I expect. This is the same for three of the images, but one of them shows the 12x16 in Black, whilst the other two size options are still in blue. Why this one and only one in Black?
Fred A
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2011, 11:49:04 AM » |
I know have another little question that has just come up this morning. I have 4 pre sized 12x16" images in a folder in Q. I highlight one and hit the drop down size box. 12x18 is in bold blue, 3x4 and 6x8 (all sizes I have set up) are in regular blue. This is fine and what I expect. This is the same for three of the images, but one of them shows the 12x16 in Black, whilst the other two size options are still in blue. Why this one and only one in Black? Terry had to step out. It's lunchtime where he lives, and breakfast here. So maybe I can help a little. What you describe is normal and a good tool as an extra. See this video, please. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=fkf5erLx7D8&vq=hd720That will explain it pretty well. You have to sit through a couple of minutes until it gets to the size box and the colors. Fred
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2011, 12:18:18 PM » |
Thanks Fred. I sort of get the gist although the one I mentioned should really be in Blue bold, not black bold as it was the native size and it was exact. Great to get the size prob sorted though. Thanks
Fred A
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2011, 01:13:16 PM » |
I would love to see that image, the fourth one that makes black. See this quote: I have 4 pre sized 12x16" images in a folder in Q. I highlight one and hit the drop down size box. 12x18 is in bold blue, 3x4 and 6x8 (all sizes I have set up) are in regular blue. This is fine and what I expect. This is the same for three of the images, but one of them shows the 12x16 in Black, whilst the other two size options are still in blue. Why this one and only one in Black?
You say 12 x 18 was in bold blue. Is that a typo; where you meant 12 x 16? Can you check the resolution of the three against the number 4? If three act one way, and the 4th acts differently, Qimage is seeing something different. Is that emailable? wathree.ssz@verizon.net. Or just pass along the resolution of the 4th image and one of the others. I love a mystery! Fred