Hi Mike-
It works, but installed differently than last night. No, not a different account. Same one I always use.
This time I only deleted what you said. Did not bonk the registry info. I did, however, delete all shortcuts, then drug a new one to the Start Menu directly from the QI folder in Program Files.
(BTW-Windows 7 is using the same folder system as Vista.)
THIS install said it was migrating data as though I was on an old version. From where? I had been using .268 since you released it. Wierd.
Also, it lost my R2400. Said it could not find the drivers. So, I deleted the printer (Win & interface is changed and PITA) then re-installed. It came up as Copy1. Now QI sees R2400 and R2400 Copy 1. :-\ :-\
And, it opened with the last printer profile I used before all this happened. (You ARE hiding something

). For some reason my Oki 3600 PCL is there but the ICCs are gone. Easy fix.
Will QISE work in 64-bit mode? I have that 7 RC in 64 also, so am thinking of going there to use all the RAM installed.
Thanks for the fix!!