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Author Topic: SE v.266 - Error message when thumbs load  (Read 31561 times)
Posts: 13

« on: July 12, 2009, 05:19:34 PM »

I upgraded to SE ver.266 yesterday.  Today I downloaded images from my Olympus E420 via IDImager.
The file contains only my original ORF files and DNG files converted with Adobe DNG Converter.

Suddenly when I select the folder in QI, I get a string of error mesages that say "cannot locate files: C:\Programs\Qimage\p.bmp"  ... it seems to be occuring for every thumb in the folder.  I click the messages away and the image seems to open as normal for raw adjustment and regular editing.

I am reluctant to contiune editing untill I know if there is a problem. I have never seen this message prior to ver.2.66.

Should I consider rolling back to ver.265?
David Dorn

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2009, 06:14:37 PM »

Suddenly when I select the folder in QI, I get a string of error mesages that say "cannot locate files: C:\Programs\Qimage\p.bmp"
Are you saying that somehow your images are in C:\program files\qimage?
If so that will never work. You need to place your images in any folder you like, make one! Mypix_snowstorm or something like that.
Then find the images from the Qimage tree.
Please clarify with more information.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2009, 06:18:34 PM »

The other suggestion is that you download and install again, but disable your anti virus software during the download and install.
Posts: 13

« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2009, 07:28:09 PM »


My Image files are on my E: Drive.  The error messages contains the reference to the C:\dirve.

I was particulary amazed to see it refer to "p.bmp" in the Qimage program file folder.  I would assume like me, Qimge would ignore bmp files but since I never use the format I have no experience with them as it may relate to Qimage.

I will uninstall and re install as you suggest.



Posts: 13

« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2009, 08:05:54 PM »


I just uninstalled and reinstalled Qimage SE v2.66 under admin status and with firewall and antiviurus turned off.  I am still getting this error message for each thumb as it opens (with correction of the named file, q.bmp not p.bmp):

The error message (WinXP 32 SP 3 + all updates) in the standard windows box reads:

   Can not open file: "C:\Program Files\Qimage\q.bmp".  The system cannot find the file specified.

Now when this happens, I cannot kill the messages by clicking OK and QI hangs and I have to use task manager to kill QI.

I will now revert back to v.265 and see if this keep happening



Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2009, 08:13:35 PM »

Sounds like we have to wait for Mike.
He will be able to interpret that error message that you are having.
Just hang in there/
The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2009, 10:05:39 PM »

Can not open file: "C:\Program Files\Qimage\q.bmp".  The system cannot find the file specified.
This file is the the grey "Q" square image that you see on the grid as thumbnails are building. It would normally be located in (for XP) C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ddisoftware\Qimage or (Vista) C:\Program Data\ddisoftware\Qimage.
If Q is looking for it in the location the error message refers too, there seems to be a glitch in your program installation.
Not much help I know, but at least you know what q.bmp is.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2009, 10:26:03 PM »

Can not open file: "C:\Program Files\Qimage\q.bmp".  The system cannot find the file specified.
This file is the the grey "Q" square image that you see on the grid as thumbnails are building. It would normally be located in (for XP) C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ddisoftware\Qimage or (Vista) C:\Program Data\ddisoftware\Qimage.
If Q is looking for it in the location the error message refers too, there seems to be a glitch in your program installation.
Not much help I know, but at least you know what q.bmp is.

Right.  The q.bmp file should be in your application data folder.  For XP, that's normally under "Documents and Settings" and your user name.  You didn't tell Qimage to make your Program Files\Qimage folder the application data folder when you installed it did you?  Go to Utilities in Qimage and tell it to open the application data folder.  What folder does it open?  Of course to find that out, you'll probably have to start Qimage with the shift key held down to avoid the current installation problem.

Posts: 13

« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2009, 10:34:53 PM »

Some further info for you and Mike:

After last weeks warning from Microsoft about the lastest serious security issue.  I tool a long hard look.

I realized I was wide open in my user status as I had it set to Admin.  I created a new admin account for myself and set my every day user status to "limited".  I have run my antivirus, registry cleaner and Micorsoft's malware program and all ran with no errors or problems.

The uninstall required me to do so a admin.  After the install I dowloaded SE ver.266 and now it is running just as it should under my Admin login.  When I logout and then login to my limited user account, the problem is still occuring.  I get an error message for each thumb that opens and cannot delete them and am forced to use task manager to quit.  I suspect the q.bmp file is locked someway my admin change.

Again, WinXP SP3 with all updates.



Posts: 13

« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2009, 10:48:17 PM »


Your post must have arrived as I was posting my last one.

I folllowed your instructions and the program open the path - "C:\Program Files\Qimage". It opend without my having to use the shift key.


Posts: 13

« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2009, 10:58:37 PM »


A further check:

I just went to my Documents and Setting\Application data folder.  There is no subfolder for Qimage.

When the install ran it used the same paths as I have see before and placed the programs in the Program Files subfolder.  The same file I have gone to in the past when windows had seen fit to clean my desktop icons and I have had to create a new one.


Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2009, 11:15:23 PM »

Your application data folder should not be pointing to \program files\qimage.  The only way for that to happen is if you overwrote the default in documents and settings when you installed.  Now that you've done that, it "sticks" because Qimage needs to remember where the data resides.  Reinstall and when it asks for the application folder, instead of \program files\qimage, tell it (assuming you use the C: drive) to use c:\documents and settings\All Users\ddisoftware\Qimage as the location.  That's what should have come up the first time you installed a 2009.250 or later version.

When you reinstall, be sure you reinstall as the user who plans to run Qimage.  Because Qimage is installed under "current_user", you cannot switch to administrator, install Qimage, and then switch back to your limited user and expect to run Qimage.  The files that Qimage needs to use will then belong to administrator and your limited user will not be able to use them (properly).  If you need to have a limited user and that user is the one who runs Qimage, just elevate that user's privileges temporarily, install Qimage under that user, and then restore the limited access for that user once you've installed it.


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