John is using A3+ (plus) paper which is 13x19", room for 4 8x6 prints.
Thanks, Brian.
I am not tuned to the European sizes. Here I buy something called Super B, or just 13 x 19.
The error sat there for a month?
Don't even know if John still needs the help???
Thanks, really. Terry tried to educate me, but I'm too old to adapt.
I get a Skype from Terry that starts: "Good afternoon! Hope you are OK Fred, It's BEASTLY HOT here. It's 23 degrees"
To start a conversation with me like that is similar to reversing gravity.
Then we do the: "When are you going to learn to drive on the right side of the road?"
I do drive on the right side (correct side). It's you chaps that got it wrong?
Then I tell him that his mustache is crooked. Then he tells me I spelled mustache wrong. It should be moustache.
Then I tell him he spelled Colour wrong.... and so on