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Author Topic: set user defined size  (Read 10751 times)
Posts: 24

« on: May 10, 2010, 02:14:07 AM »

I tried to set a user defined size, but could not figure out how to save it to the size choices.  What am I missing?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2010, 09:25:53 AM »

but could not figure out how to save it

Good Morning,
When you want to save user defined sizes, (and believe me, that is the most often asked question when my phone rings) you need only save the Printer Setup in Qimage.
When you have everything set just right; the user defined page size, the printer profile (if any), the driver settings for quality, paper type, and color management, the whole thing all set, Click FILE, SAVE, click the "P" button for Printer, and name the setup file.
For example, use the page size and paper type ( Ex    17 x 30 Epson Luster )

When you want to use that setup again, Click FILE, RECALL, Click "P", and Open the one you want.
The nice part is that you eventually find that you saved all the meaningful paper types and page sizes that you use often, ready for a two click setup.

" Just a footnote. By right clicking on the P button, you can make that button the default button.

Posts: 24

« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2010, 03:14:57 AM »

Thanks for the help, but now I cannot even find the user defined option.  I closes Qimage, then reopened. Still no user defined option showing.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2010, 09:26:33 AM »

but now I cannot even find the user defined option.
Are you talking about a page size or image print size ?
Custom page sizes are set in the printer driver - use 3rd icon from right at top of main screen.

Custom print sizes: use size drop down in Print Properties panel, bottom right section of screen, you might have to click the bar to see it if the panels are set to auto open (View preferences).
In the drop-down, at the bottom of the list, choose Custom, that is where you set a custom print size.


Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2010, 09:32:29 AM »

Thanks for the help, but now I cannot even find the user defined option.  I closes Qimage, then reopened. Still no user defined option showing.
I have this feeling that we are on two different paths.

You are trying to save a user defined size..... and I took that to mean that you wanted to save it as a printer setup so you can recall that same size and all the printer settings that go with it.
Now, when you say, you cannot find User defined option, (which is in the printer driver), I have the feeling you might be referring to the SPECIFIC SIZE option in Qimage since you say you closed it and reopened Qimage in a effort to locate that option.
If that is the case, click CUSTOM in the print properties area of Qimage included in the pre-set sizes. Click the top radio dot for Custom Size, and enter the length and width.

If I am on the right track this time, and you want to save a "custom size", then that's really easy.
Now if you want to create a size selection in the list with all the preset sizes (like 5 x 7 and 4 x 6), there's a little button all the way to the tight of the size bar which has a hammer and a wrench or something in it. (too small for my eyes.)
Click that, and select, ADD NEW SIZE.

Let me stop here and see whether I guessed right this time.

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