I've recently switched over to Mozilla Firefox as my browser. Maybe that caused some conflict.
I would not have thought so, I and other Qimage users use FF and don't have the same problem.
where do I find the read/write permissions? Thanks for your kind help
See screen snap below, right click the folder, select properties and make sure there is no dot in Read Only and Hidden. If there is click to clear and OK.
You might check if you do have a q.bmp in the thumbs folder, if you do, remove it and see what happens. Otherwise, I would un-install, reinstall, and make sure Q is being installed in the default locations.
I can't find how to attach a screen shot. My downsized image exceeds the maximum. Can you give me a clue.
To attach an image, click the Additional Options link bottom left of the Post Reply text box.
If I have a screen shot that is too big, I use Qimage to downsize it (e-mail/web copies) and, if necessary, reduce the jpeg quality. It sometimes requires a couple of goes to get it right
