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Author Topic: Weirdness of Photoshop perceptual conversions; different in Qimage  (Read 8365 times)
Posts: 7

« on: May 01, 2010, 04:18:42 PM »

Hope the subject made sense! Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

I am printing B&W photos, originals are in QTRLAB space (a grayscale space), printing to a z3200, Ilford Gold Fiber Silk, custom RGB profile made with APS. When I convert the photo from gray to RGB in PS, perceptual w/ BP, I lose about 5 points at the black end (eg., input, ouput 5), and worse, the dark shadows are very compressed (eg input 5%, output 1%; input 10%, output 5%). In addition, the nuetral colors get screwed up, and I get some banding in the mid-tones, and the highlights go a little lighter. Altogether, it's FUBAR!

You might thing something is screwed up wtih the output profile, but here's the kicker- converting/printing and/or converting/file save in QIMAGE is fine!

You might also ask, why am I bothering to convert in PS in the first place? Because, I have always assumed that I would have more control, better results in PS! Sometimes I add an adjustment layer in PS to the converted file, so that's better, except of course when the conversion sucks!

Anyone else ever seen this, and have any guidance as to why it's happening?


Bill Morse
William Morse Editions


Bill Morse
Wm. Morse Editions
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