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Author Topic: Why are my sizes not matching???  (Read 14189 times)
Posts: 17

WWW Email
« on: October 20, 2009, 10:26:24 AM »

I have just wasted some canvas trying to print so I can gallery wrap.  I have my marks all in place so I can fold the canvas over the stretcher bars... so I need to print exactly the size of the image at 300ppi.  In PS the (where I did my gallery wrap process) I get an image size of 27.573in x 39.887 all the marks I put on match perfectly.  Now I took the exact same file and it is showing me 27.13inx39.25in in Q.  I selected Original size when I placed it into the queue and it is on a 44" piece of canvas... what is going on Huh?  Why is it doing this.  I am using the latest print driver from HP and the latest firmware for my Z3100... needless to say I am not amused right now.  Angry
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2009, 10:59:50 AM »

showing me 27.13inx39.25in in Q.  I selected Original size when I placed it into the queue and it is on a 44" piece of canvas... what is going on Huh  Why is it doing this.  I am using the latest print driver from HP and the latest firmware for my Z3100..

Please have a look at the Original Size box in CUSTOM, and make sure the settings are either of the two screen snaps attached here.
If you saved your PS file as a PSD, the 300 ppi is not saved with that type of file. So you have two options.
If you are sure that the image is 300 ppi, then set the Original size box to use 300 ppi, by demand.
The second method to ensure the right size, is the easy way.
Go to Custom and use the top option. Enter your size print. See screen snap.
Now Qimage will use that size (crop scissors on-in case) and print what you want.
Posts: 17

WWW Email
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2009, 04:47:10 AM »


Thanks a million, that worked like a charm. The strange one was that the next photo printed that evening printed the correct size but the first one was all fouled up and I did not change anything.  Anyway, if you are ever in the Phoenix area let me know and I will buy you a cold/hot beverage of your choice  Grin
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2009, 09:22:33 AM »

Anyway, if you are ever in the Phoenix area

.... and same goes if you ever get to Sarasota.
BTW, took a peek at your web site....  really interesting. Enjoyed it.
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