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Author Topic: Challenge 32D-tips on DFS-Target All except selected RGB  (Read 6384 times)
Fred A
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« on: August 22, 2014, 07:28:34 PM »

Please read A -C first.

By now you are catching on....
Remember the rule: You don't sharpen sky or water.
In this example, you want a little sharpening on everything, The white egret, the leaves, gray twigs, everything except the sky.
I just selected Target ALL except selected RGB, and I selected the SKY for my do not sharpen color.
But remember what makes the Select RGB tone different from Select a Tone.
It is narrow/tight and tries to apply the instruction to only the RGB combination you clicked on. Probably parts of the sky are a bit lighter or darker or even a slightly different hue creeping in. So move the EQ slider to a 60% mark .... to cover a wider range of blue sky.

You are smiling, you got it!
Terry should be along soon to do Saturated Colors and Natural Grays.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 08:17:19 PM by Fred A » Logged
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