Let's AlbumizeAlbumize=Categorize!
Let's say you finally decided to make "coffee table" photo album.... of what?
A trip to an exotic place?
The past holiday get-togethers?
A safari to Lincolnshire, UK?
You need to gather the shots of the category you chose.
But, "There's the Rub" (A dip of the toe into the Avon River)
The shots of a category might be strewn over many years and many folders.
**Hint: Make it a habit when looking at any folder of thumbnails in Qimage, to find your favorite/best shots, and TAG them by adding a word or two to the little blue "i" on the thumbnail.
You can start now... open any folder from any previous shoot and tag the shots.
Permit me to do a little show and tell about how I might tackle it.
Remember to click Full Screen when viewing and it will be HD.