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Author Topic: Challenge # 76- Renew your Driver's License.  (Read 21742 times)
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« on: April 08, 2017, 11:43:47 AM »

                                                 Setting Drivers to Print using Color Management, Quick and easy

Briefly, Color Management is the process of getting the quality and color of the camera image through the monitor on to the printed page without  the driver changing the color or tone of the print.

This is easy stuff if you just adhere to a few simple steps.

1) After opening the driver, (sometimes called printer setup), Select the Paper type you are using.
(ex. Ultra Prem. Luster; Ultra Prem. Glossy; Semi gloss, Premium Matte, Cheaper matte.... )
(If the paper is not the same brand as your printer, read the paper manufacturer's instructions and follow them.)

2) Choose the size paper.... (Not the print size) ... 8.5 x 11; A3; A4; A3+;) (If you use roll paper, find User Defined and type in page size. That is your paper size)

3) Set the Output Quality to Maximum (Epson is a 5; Canon is a 1)  (See video)

4) Color Management set to OFF.
(Some drivers say, OFF, some say NONE, some say, Let Application handle color, and some say, No Color Adjustment)

5) No check marks in scaling / size alteration tab.

That's all there is to set: paper type, size; Quality output to Max; Color Management OFF; Don't mess with scaling.

These are the basics. This will work for you every time.
There are many other sophisticated adjustments that various drivers offer; drying time; more ink, less ink; etc.
These are generally for specialty printing. Get your prints right first.

Please see video and click for full screen to see best quality


Thank you, and enjoy.

Hero Member
Posts: 766

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« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2017, 07:45:48 AM »

How many misdemeanours are we allowed before you suspend our license?


Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2017, 09:02:14 AM »

How many misdemeanours are we allowed before you suspend our license?
That is a very technical question. British law is not the same as US law, and US law is different in each state.
So I will try to sort it out for you.
a) Misdemeanor. Demeanor means outward behavior. Ergo, it follows that miss demeanor is bad behavior to a Miss.::  Punishable by 30 days of washing dishes for Barbara.

b) A Mr. Demeanor is punishable by having to look through one of Fred's emails that has 14 or 15 shots of his latest outing, and having to tell him that you like them.
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