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Author Topic: Challenger #57 Little Known-Seldom used-Print Property tools  (Read 9469 times)
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« on: December 17, 2015, 01:49:20 PM »

                                                                   10 things to use to customize your Print Properties

Many of you might know all of this, so take a snooze (nap) , but there are always plenty of new users that might not yet know all of this.

1) Default print size.
This is the size print with which Qimage opens.  (From the factory;  4 x 6)
Adjustable to suit your needs and taste, so when YOUR Qimage opens it will open with your choice.

2) Load your new default print size whenever needed. Just click the yellow folder icon

3) Crop scissors...on and off, setting the default for that too.

4) Borders... Use one or two quick set borders.... see video...
To remove the borders completely from future print insertions, Delete from the Default Print property  box.

5) Rotate image
Setting the rotate arrows in the default will cause all future image insertions to rotate. (Not in Optimal Placement Mode)
You can see it work in "sample " sheet.
To actually rotate a current image (s), open the Print Property (zebra button) of the image to be rotated.

6) Change an existing size in the size selection list to a different (often used size).

7) Add a new size to an existing size list.. and how to Save it.

8 ) See Saved Size sets, and select from the list.

9) See various ways to sort your size list i.e. ... small to largest, large to smallest...  etc etc.

10) The ability to add comments to a size. Very handy (for old people like me)  when you see 2.50 x 3.50 "Wallet size"

* Remember to use Full Screen setting for HD quality *


Happy Holidays

« Last Edit: December 17, 2015, 01:52:15 PM by Fred A » Logged
Hero Member
Posts: 766

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« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2016, 03:31:46 PM »

                                                                   10 things to use to customize your Print Properties

Many of you might know all of this, so take a snooze (nap) , but there are always plenty of new users that might not yet know all of this.

Happy Holidays


Just got round to reading your post above.

I notice no replies, but many thanks from me, an interesting read and video.  Most instructive.
If I ever knew it all I had forgotten.


Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2016, 08:15:50 PM »

Just got round to reading your post above.

I notice no replies, but many thanks from me, an interesting read and video.  Most instructive.
If I ever knew it all I had forgotten.


Same goes for me... I have to refresh my memory7.
I wanted folks to know some of the power and facility embedded in Q-Ultimate.
Like me, it's not just a pretty face.

Fred Huh?
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