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Author Topic: Is Qimage Ultimate your solution to Adobe subscription services (rental edition  (Read 13101 times)
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« on: May 09, 2013, 07:59:14 PM »

I guess you've heard!

People have been emailing Mike asking:
Is it true about Adobe making me rent their products calling it a Subscription Model Service Edition?  http://ddisoftware.com/tech/qimage-ultimate/qimage-ultimate-vs-photoshop/msg13992/#msg13992
Is it true that I have to rent my Adobe software by the month, and if I don't make a payment, it stops working?
Is it true that I have to submit to such an abrasive subscription policy in order to keep my camera software current?

The answers are YES!

Suppose I buy a new camera and take RAW photos, will Qimage Ultimate work with my new camera?
Can I work my images in Qimage Ultimate and get the finest results?
Can I downsize, make web copies, crop, sharpen, and otherwise do all my editing in Ultimate?

The answers are:
Qimage Ultimate supports exactly the same cameras as ACR, and it updates at least 4 times a year.
Qimage Ultimate has the finest editor for both RAW and JPG which creates tiny 1K filter files and never disturbs the original.
Qimage Ultimate can do it all with better results because its tools are designed and created by Mike Chaney himself, and not by committee.
   Witness the new DFS (Deep Focus Sharpening) which replaces USM. You can sharpen without fear of haloes and with TTS (Tone Targeted Sharpening), You can select what is to be sharpened or ignored.

I am just like you. The difference being that I have had Qimage since 1998, and grew into it.
I know what it can do and do it better and easier. My rendition of your raw photo will beat anyone's.

So if you are irritated, aggravated, annoyed, pissed, "had-it" with Adobe's new policy, Software subscription Models, your solution is Qimage Ultimate.

You can still use your previous product for the occasions that call for special needs like removing a person or object from a photo.
But, for everything else, Qimage is your solution.

Yes, it has borders, frames, making a print file for outside printing services, Red Eye, Blemish removal tools, image cropping or print cropping, etc etc..... and what's more....  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
I can put multiple images on a page in under 5 seconds.
I have yet to find out how to do that in photo Shop in 5 hours.

So this topic is in the Challenges category; a Reverse challenge if you will.

The Challenge is for you to see if you have a project job that you want to find out if QU can handle it successfully.
An image that is tough to get right.
Making a crop fit right on an 8 x 10, and also on a different ratio like a 5 x7... anything you can think of:  Challenge QU and see what happens.

I love my Qimage Kiss Kiss Kiss

To Whet your appetite:  http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u/tech-raw.htm
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 08:55:45 PM by Terry-M » Logged
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